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Amendment 1 ~+~r-to EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT <br />(San Leandro BART Station) <br />This is an amendment a~ler~d+~+t~-to that certain agreement dated the 4`~ day of February, 2008, <br />by and between the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT, a rapid transit <br />district established pwsuant to Public Utilities Code Section 28500, et seq. ("BART"'), the CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO, a California municipal corporation (the "City"), the San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency ("Redevelopment Agency")~- aty public body corporate and politic, and <br />WESTLAKE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the <br />"Developer") (together, BART, City, Redevelopment Agency and Developer are collectively <br />referred to as the "Parties"), pursuant to a motion adopted on January 4~', 2008 by the BART <br />Board of Directors; pursuant to a resolution adopted on February 4th, 2008 by the City's City <br />Council; pursuant to a resolution adopted on February 4th, 2008 by the Redevelopment Agency's <br />Board of Directors and pursuant to a resolution adopted on January 31st, 2008 by Developer the <br />"Agreement"). <br />The following pa~~ is hereby added as Section 3.7 [alternatively, this could be inserted <br />between 3.4 and 3.5 aJ~d then renumber 3.5 and 3.6 to 3.6 and 3.7~ to the Agreement: <br />3.7 Civic En~a~ement. In keeping with the City of San Leandro public process, the <br />Developers will participate in at least four meetings that will afford Community Groups, Labor <br />Organizations and Various Stakeholders the opportunity to discuss issues. The public input <br />meetings will include community or town hall meetings. Work sessions at the City Council <br />and/or Planning Commission would be additional opportunities for public involvement. <br />