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• Children are more lilely to be actively involved in other recreational <br />activities, including househald projects and volunteer work. <br />{Impulse, ,2003) <br />• Children learn to be more outgoing and less shy or introverted. <br />(Impulse, 2(1(73) <br />• Children echo-boat lead more active and healthy lifestyles, <br />(Impulse, 20113'} <br />+ Children develop their leaderslvp qualities. (Impulse, 20)03) <br />• Children develop a range of skills and positive attitudes. <br />(Impulse. 2003} <br />• Children have more quality time with their parents year-round. <br />(Impulse, 2003) <br />PLAY In A SA~~ PLACE <br />why is it good to play? <br />• Habitual physical activity leads to a reduced xesting heart rate and lower blood <br />pressure levels. (Paffenbarger, et. al., t991) <br />• Exercise holds the promise of decreasing the incidence or delaying the development <br />of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. (Helmrich and <br />Paffenbarger, 1992) <br />• Sustained physical activity leads to a decrease in fat body mass and increase in lean <br />body mass, with resultant increased basal metabolism and a lower risk of obesity. <br />(I3ray, 199, Siscovick, et. al., ~19$S) <br />• In childhood and adolescence, habitual physical activity, as opposed to a sedentary <br />life style, leads to increased bone mass and bone strength. (Paffenbarger, et. al., 1991) <br />• Habitual physical activity increases muscle strength and improved structure and <br />function of connective tissues. (Paffenbarger, et. al., 1991) <br />• Physical activity may prevent the complex condition leading to chronic back pain <br />syndrome and the extensive debility associated with it (Tipton, et. a1., 19$6) <br />• "I'he role of physical activity in preventing various types of arthritis is uncertain; <br />however, increased muscle strength, bone density, and connective tissue offer <br />prr~mise of a preventive effect (Lane, et al., 198G) <br />