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WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ("Agency") is <br />engaged in the Downtown Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements project in the City's <br />downtown area, including the Plaza Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area"), which is <br />designed in part to draw people into that area; and <br />WHEREAS, no other reasonable means of financing the installation of the <br />Improvements, is available to the community in that the only other possible source of funding is <br />through the use of the City's General Fund and that is pledged for the provision of essential City <br />services for the residents of the City such as police and fire services; and <br />WHEREAS, the installation of the Improvements, will assist in the elimination of one or <br />more blighting conditions in the Project Area by furthering the implementation of the Downtown <br />Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements project, which will attract patrons to the City's downtown <br />area, including the Project Area, in turn increasing and strengtheiung existing uses in the Project <br />Area, consistent with the Five Year Implementation Plan adopted by the Agency pursuant to <br />Section 33490. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINIJ AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION ] . The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro hereby specifically <br />finds that all of the facts stated above are true and correct. <br />SECTION 2. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro hereby authorizes <br />the expenditure of Redevelopment Agency funds and, as necessary, the <br />proceeds from tax allocation bonds issued by the Agency to install the <br />Downtown Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements. <br />