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central Alameda County. The Marina Interchange improvements for the HOV Lane Project is one <br />of the projects currently being reviewed in the study. Currently the study has preliminarily <br />estimated the unfunded design, permitting and construction cost for the Marina Interchange <br />improvements for the HOV Lane Project at $33 million dollars. The City has reviewed and <br />refined this preliminary cost estimate for the Marina Interchange Project to $27,564,000 dollars. <br />J. Other improvements required for the transportation infrastructure not related to the <br />Marina Interchange Project and serving the Medical-Retail Complex will be addressed in the <br />entitlement process and will be completed by Kaiser and its partners under improvement and <br />development agreements with the City. <br />To achieve the goals outlined in these recitals, the Parties desire to enter into this <br />Agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto mutually agree as follows: <br />1. Project Scope. The limits of the Marina Interchange Project that are addressed by <br />this MOU are those roadways within the Caltrans Right-of--Way ("ROW") and immediately <br />adjacent and appurtenant to the ROW from approximately 1500 feet to the north and 1500 feet to <br />the south of the Marina Boulevard overcrossing structure along I-880 and from approximately <br />Teagarden Street to Merced Street along Marina /Marina Automall Boulevard including the <br />overcrossing structure. The primary purpose of this MOU is to ensure adequate funding for the <br />additional improvements needed for the Marina Interchange proximate to the Medical-Retail <br />Complex. <br />2. The Medical-Retail Complex Contribution. Kaiser and the City have determined <br />through a fair share traffic analysis a defendable portion equal to 18.4 percent (18.4%) of the cost <br />of the improvements necessary for the Marina Interchange Project. The Parties have agreed to a <br />sum of five million seventy one thousand seven hundred seventy six ($5,071,776) as the <br />appropriate share to be imposed on Kaiser as the property owner and to be allocated to the <br />Medical-Retail Complex (the "Medical-Retail Contribution"). City agrees that the ACCMA will <br />serve as the project manager of the Marina Interchange Project improvements and coordinate the <br />final planning, design, environmental and construction with the HOV Lane Improvements. In <br />consideration for the early payment of the Medical-Retail Contribution by Kaiser, City agrees to <br />be the lead agency negotiating with Caltrans and the ACCMA to identify sources of additional <br />funding for the shortfall still remaining after the Medical-Retail Contribution by Kaiser. Kaiser <br />grants to the City wide discretion to use the Medical-Retail Contribution in a manner it deems <br />appropriate, after consultation with the ACCMA, including spending said funds on Caltrans and <br />ACCMA environmental, design and engineering costs for the HOV Lane project, provided that the <br />objective of the Medical-Retail Contribution will be to replace and upgrade the Marina <br />Interchange in order to better serve Kaiser Permanente and its employees, physicians and <br />members. <br />3. Payment Date. Kaiser shall forward the Medical-Retail Contribution to the City <br />within forty five (45) days after written notice from the City confirming that the City has a final <br />agreement with the ACCMA for the completion of the Marina Interchange Project improvements <br />in conjunction with HOV Lane Project. <br />#380424 ~~ <br />1 izaoa 3 <br />