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8F Consent 2008 0421
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City Council
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Packet 2008 0421
8F Consent 2008 0421
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4/18/2008 11:26:35 AM
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4/18/2008 11:26:34 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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AGREEMENT <br />This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of 2008, by and <br />between the CITY of SAN LEANDRO, hereinafter called "City," and the COUNTY OF <br />ALAMEDA, hereafter called "County." <br />WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Cranston Gonzalez <br />National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 and Federal regulations have been adopted pursuant <br />thereto, hereinafter called the "Act"; and <br />WHEREAS, Title II of the Act creates the Home Investment in Affordable Housing <br />Program, hereinafter called "HOME," that provides funds to states and local governments for <br />acquisition, rehabilitation, new constnictian of affordable housing and tenant-based rental <br />assistance; and <br />WHEREAS, the Act requires local governments to Formulate a Consolidated Plait as part <br />of the eligibility requirements for HOME funds; and <br />WHEREAS, fiords from Title II are distributed to metropolitan cities, urban counties <br />States, and consortia of local governments; <br />WHEREAS, the Act allows local governments to form consortia for the purpose of <br />receiving and administering HOME fiords and can-ying out purposes of the Act; <br />WHEREAS, the Act requires that a local government member of an urban county may <br />participate in a consortium only through the urban county, and the County of Alameda is the lead <br />agency of the Alameda County Urban County; and <br />WHEREAS, the Act requires that a consortium shall have one member unit of general <br />local goverlment authorized to act in a representative capacity for all members for purposes of <br />the Act and to assume overall responsibility for the Act, including requirements concerting the <br />Consolidated Plan; <br />THEREFORE, it is agreed that: <br />1. CITY and COUNTY will cooperate in the operation of the Alameda County HOME <br />Consortium, hereinafter called the "CONSORTIUM", for the purpose of undertaking or <br />assisting in undertaking HOME-eligible housing assistance activities pursuant to Title II <br />of the Act including but not limited to acquiring, rehabilitating, and constructing <br />affordable housing and providing homebuyer and tenant-based rental assistance. <br />2. COUNTY shall act as the representative member of the CONSORTNM for the purposes <br />of the Act. <br />3. CITY shall have thirty (30) calendar days to approve the portions of the Consolidated <br />Plan which pertain to CITY before COUNTY submits final Consolidated Plan to the U.S. <br />
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