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Mayor Santos asked if there are any violations. Keith Cooke responded that most <br />issues have been corrected. Keith explained that the Engineering Inspectors make sure <br />that work is being done safely and that traffic controls are implemented and workers are <br />safe while working in the right of way. Staff also ensures that ground surface is <br />returned back to City standards when worker disturb the ground. Once the cables are <br />on the poles, it is under the Public Utilities Commission jurisdiction. <br />Councilmember Starosiak also had issues with lines obstructing traffic lights. She <br />stated that she would like everyone to work together as good neighbors. The City <br />wants to help the utilities get things in place to do good things for San Leandro, but <br />would like cooperation. <br />AT&T representatives stated that they are willing to work with the City regarding <br />anything we think is necessary, however moving lines up to the tops of poles impedes <br />PG&E lines. <br />Further discussion ensued in reference to work schedules, safety guidelines and <br />inspections. Steve Grimes from PG&E explained the procedures and the <br />documentation that is shared amongst the utilities in order to ensure proper safety of the <br />poles and lines, and explained that inspection reports are sent to the utilities and to the <br />PUC. He explained that the PUC monitors and ensures that corrections are made and <br />inspections are completed. <br />Uche Udemezue explained that the City is limited due to new franchise rules. City has <br />been stripped of all authorities because the agreements are now between the PUC and <br />the utilities. We only have authority over the safety of the work on the ground. We <br />keep close relationships with the utilities and communicate on a regular basis. <br />Mayor Santos suggested getting a letter to the PUC suggesting that the utilities may not <br />be in compliance with various requirements and the City would like them to review this <br />process and ask the PUC to advice us what our options are as a government entity. <br />Councilmember Starosiak stated that the only thing we have to be concerned with is <br />safety issues, but would like to summarized and request from the utilities to be good <br />neighbors and good installers. She asked that worked be done in a way that is safe and <br />also considerate. She asked that hanging cables be taken care of within a two week <br />timeframe, and that cables that are obscuring traffic signals be moved within a couple <br />of weeks. <br />Comcast representatives stated that they would first like to ensure that a two week <br />request is realistic rather than making a commitment that they can't keep. They want to <br />make customers happy and asked that complaints be passed on. <br />