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construction practice, as well. The target is Silver but staff does not know if they will <br />be able to meet it because of various factors. <br />Councilmember Sousa asked if there would be an impact at the Marina, as well. John <br />Jermanis explained that staff is finding developers talking more and more about green <br />building techniques which may have a different approach than we have taken in the <br />past. <br />Mayan Santos asked if solar had been discussed. Sally explained that in terms of <br />program coordination, solar is a great thing, but you must have trained, certified staff. <br />The City may support solar but staff would suggest first talking to homeowners about <br />not wasting energy. Homeowners should first take energy efficiency measures such as <br />tightening insulation. If they do these things, they may not need solar. Sally explained <br />that the issue is staff time. Staff is willing and able to do it, but is working with other <br />cities to develop a group to help each other out and have policies that are consistent. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Future Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Dates <br />Discussion ensued regarding future Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting <br />dates and times. It was decided that meetings would be held on the second Tuesday of <br />each month at 4:00 p.m. After the first meeting in April, the Committee will discuss <br />changing the time. <br />5. Project Updates <br />None <br />6. Public Comments <br />Charles Gilcrest responded to the Underground Five Year Plan and stated that he <br />would like to encourage the committee to direct staff to address the issues on East <br />14t~' Street. He also stated that there are three or four projects that impact East 14th <br />Street and it would be nice if they could be coordinated, such as lighting, <br />undergrounding and other street improvements. He further stated that it makes policy <br />sense to reconfigure the Senior Center project to coordinate with the undergrounding <br />so that things are not being torn up at different times. <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />8. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. <br />