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10A Action 2008 0505
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 0505
10A Action 2008 0505
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Last modified
5/5/2008 9:29:45 AM
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5/5/2008 9:29:44 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2008 0505
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Green buildings use recycled-content materials, consume less energy and water, have better <br />indoor air quality, and use fewer natural resources than conventional buildings. Construction <br />waste is often recycled and remanufactured into other building products. <br />(f) The City finds that green building design and construction decisions made by the <br />City in the construction and remodeling of City buildings can result in significant cost savings to <br />the City over the life of the projects. <br />(g) The City finds that it is critical to both the economic and environmental health of <br />the City that the City provides leadership to both the private and public sectors in the area of <br />green building. <br />(h) The most immediate and meaningful way to do so is to include green building <br />elements in City projects, and to encourage private projects to include green building elements. <br />(i) Green building design, construction, operations and maintenance techniques have <br />been increasingly adopted in residential and commercial building construction. <br />(j) At the national level, the U.S. Green Building Council has taken the lead in <br />promoting and defining commercial green building by developing the Leadership in Energy and <br />Environmental Design (LEED)TM Rating System. <br />(k) Requiring City Projects to incorporate LEEDTM is necessary and appropriate to <br />achieving the benefits of green building in the City. <br />3.9-110 DEFINITIONS. <br />(a) "Building" means any Structure used for support or shelter of any use or <br />occupancy. "Building" includes Structures of occupied space, as defined by the California <br />Building Code. <br />(b) "City Project" means any new construction or Renovation of a Building owned or <br />occupied by a City Department or Agency. <br />(c) "Covered Project" means all new Building or Renovation projects that equal or <br />exceed $3 million in construction costs, adjusted annually to the Building Cost Index published <br />in the Engineering News-Record Magazine; and are owned or occupied by a City Department or <br />Agency. <br />(d) "Green Building Compliance Official" means the designated staff person(s) with <br />the requisite green building training and accreditations that are authorized and responsible for <br />implementing this Chapter. <br />(e) "Initiated" means officially identified and substantially funded to offset the costs <br />associated with the project. <br />2 <br />
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