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10A Action 2008 0505
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2008 0505
10A Action 2008 0505
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5/5/2008 9:29:45 AM
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5/5/2008 9:29:44 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2008 0505
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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />ORDINANCE NO.2008- <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING <br />A NEW CHAPTER 3-19 RELATING TO GREEN BUILDING ORDINANCE <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as follows: <br />SECTION 1. Title 3 of the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended to add a new <br />Chapter 3-19 to read as follows: <br />"CHAPTER 3-19 GREEN BUILDING REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY BUILDING <br />PROJECTS <br />ARTICLE 1. GENERAL <br />3-19-100 PURPOSE AND INTENT. <br />To promote economic and environmental health in the City, it is essential that the City <br />itself, through the design, construction, operation and deconstruction of its own facilities and <br />facilities it funds, provide leadership to both the private and public sectors by incorporating <br />green building practices. The most immediate and meaningful way to do this is to require the <br />integration of green building strategies in City buildings. <br />3-19-105 FINDINGS. <br />(a) The City finds that the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings within <br />the City can have a significant impact on the City's environmental sustainability, resource usage <br />and efficiency, waste management, and the health and productivity of residents, workers, and <br />visitors to the City. <br />(b) The City finds, based on studies by Alameda County Waste Management <br />Authority (StopWaste.Org), that construction and demolition debris comprise a substantial <br />portion of materials disposed in Alameda County landfills. <br />(c) The City finds that green building, construction, operation and maintenance can <br />have a significant positive effect on energy, water and resource efficiency, waste and pollution <br />generation, and the health and productivity of a property's occupants over the life of the <br />building. <br />(d) The City finds that green building design contributes to a reduction in greenhouse <br />gas emissions, improves air quality and enhances urban sustainability. <br />(e) The City finds that green building benefits are spread throughout the systems and <br />features of the building, the larger San Francisco Bay Area ecosystem and the community. <br />
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