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Measure B Paratransit Application FY 2008-09 2 May 1, 2008 <br />BACKGROUND <br />An_ alysis <br />Description of Service <br />Funded with Measure B Paratransit funds, FLEX provides several different types of service. The <br />shuttle bus service is available to residents who are at least 60 years old and allows passengers to <br />access the shuttle from shuttle stops throughout the city. The Curb-to-Curb service is available <br />to residents who are at least 75 years old and allows riders to make a reservation for <br />transportation service within the City limits. Both services are available to disabled adults (18+). <br />Measure B funds also provide Group Trips for seniors and people with disabilities and interim <br />transportation for people that have not yet received approval for East Bay Paratransit. Through <br />the Out-of=Town Medical service, we offer reservation based trips for medical purposes within <br />Alameda County. We have also participated in a grant application submitted by ACTIA to <br />expand a taxi voucher pilot program into Central County. <br />FLEX Shuttle Performance <br />Ridership on the FLEX Service continues to grow. FLEX was designed to provide 15,000 rides <br />per year. We anticipate providing over 15,000 rides this year and project over 16,000 rides in <br />FY 2008-09. The cost per trip has dropped dramatically from $40.71 at the end of the first year <br />to $12.89. On time performance has increased over the last year to 98%. <br />In August 2007, ACTIA conducted an independent survey of all city paratransit programs. San <br />Leandro riders rated the FLEX service 97% fair to excellent and 73% good to excellent. Only <br />3% rated the service poor. 97% of our riders indicated that the service had stayed the same or <br />improved over the last year. Although we always strive to improve the service, we were pleased <br />with the satisfaction indicators. <br />2007-08 Program Accomplishments: <br />The following activities were completed in FY 2007-08: <br />L We received new 2008 vehicles for the service offering a much more comfortable ride. <br />The vehicles also comply with air quality standards which became effective January <br />2008. <br />2. Installed permanent signs for all shuttle stops. <br />3. We found that some of our riders have difficulty making a telephone reservation due to <br />hearing loss. In response, we offered information and a workshop featuring the <br />California Telephone Access Program which provides specialized telephones and <br />assistive devices. <br />4. Installed improved signage on the vehicles making it easier to identify the bus and type of <br />service. <br />Grant Allocation -Small Increase <br />The estimated grant allocation for FY 2008-09 is $269,800, a 5% increase over the current year <br />grant. The grant is based on a formula which takes into account projected sales tax revenue and <br />the City's population of disabled, 85 and over, 65-84 and SSI recipients. We have also applied <br />for a Minimum Service Level grant in the amount of $100,000 to fund the Out-of--Town Medical <br />Trips. <br />