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Measure B Paratransit Application FY 2008-09 <br />May 1, 2008 <br />Future Deficit <br />The Measure B paratransit grants do not fully cover the cost of the service. Using carryover <br />funds, current service levels can be maintained through fiscal year '09. Based on current <br />projections, we will need to seek additional funding or reduce service levels in FY 2009-10. The <br />following table summarizes the program costs. <br />Grants <br />Measure B Grant $ 269,800 <br />Minimum Service Level Grant 100,000 <br />Total Grant Funds 369,800 <br /> <br />Pro ram Cost <br />FLEX 353,729 <br />Out-of--Town Medical 100,000 <br />Total Program Cost 453,729 <br /> <br />*Program Deficit $- 83,929 <br />*Program deficit is currently funded <br />with grant carryover funds. <br />Public Input <br />In order to plan for next year, staff gathered public input through paratransit focus group <br />meetings, the August 2007 ACTIA survey, work sessions with the Senior Commission and <br />triplrider pattern analysis. Following is a summary of the key results and how the issues are <br />addressed in the FY 2008-09 Paratransit Plan: <br />Riders suggested better signage on the vehicles to indicate the type of service provided, <br />i.e. shuttle, curb-to-curb. <br />Action: Improved signs have been added to the vehicles to clearly identify the service. <br />2. Riders suggested the addition of a second grab bar at the entrance to the vehicle. <br />Action: The additional grab bar has been added to all of our vehicles. <br />One rider suggested that the service be extended to evenings and weekends. <br />Action: Budget constraints prohibit expansion of the program. We considered <br />modifying the service hours to offer limited day, evening and weekend hours within the <br />budget limitations, but decided not to make any changes because weekend and evening <br />service has not rated high in surveys conducted by the City. <br />4. Riders expressed concern that they are not always able to get a ride when needed. <br />Action: The reservation based service is limited by the available funding and has reached <br />trip capacity. Unfortunately, we are not always able to provide a ride when requested. <br />5. One rider requested that a shuttle stop be added to the corner of Marina Blvd and Sitka. <br />