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City/SLUSD Liaison Cou~mittee Highlights <br />May 15, 2008 <br />Page 3 <br />Mayor Santos stated that he is very supportive of a public safety tax as a potential concept <br />for the November ballot, or perhaps later. He also commented on his concern for teacher <br />salaries. Council Member Gregory stated his strong interest in improving the schools; he <br />asked for any data regarding the number of teachers who are able to live in town. <br />4. Discussion Re ag riling Redevelopment Agency Financial Assistance for the 9rh Grade <br />Campus Up rg_ades <br />Mr. Jermanis stated that this issue was brought up at the last joint meeting; he provided an <br />update on the Senior Center project and other improvements along East 14th Street, <br />including joint use of the gym facilities, and the $2.5 million contribution from the <br />Redevelopment Agency. He said that all funding requests would go through the City <br />Council Finance Committee. He stated that staff recommends going forth with joint use of <br />the gym facilities afterschool and on the weekends. <br />Board Member Cutter commented on the desire to secure funds for the future and to <br />coordinate grants and costs; she commented on the color scheme. Board Member Perry <br />asked if the color scheme should coordinate with the senior center or the high school. Mr. <br />Jermanis stated that he would report back to Superintendent Lim regarding the planned <br />color scheme on the Senior Center. Mayor Santos stated his concern over demands on the <br />Redevelopment Agency funds and the need to remain cautious until other matters are <br />resolved. Board Member Cutter also asked for information pertaining to a recent "no left <br />turn" in front of the high school. Mayor Santos commented on potential ACTEA funds <br />available for safe routes to schools. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Carol Alvarez, San Leandro Swim Team President, thanked the Board for their support to <br />SLHS pool; she said that the team was willing to work towards helping to pay for <br />improvements in the future; she said that moving the football games to Chabot would ruin <br />the support and that $16,000 is raised by the Boosters at the snack bar but they would not <br />be able to raise funds if moved to Chabot. <br />Evette Rice, resident, stated that her family stopped swimming with the Dolphin Swim <br />Team because they couldn't drive to Chabot College; she supports SLHS pool <br />improvements and that both community swim teams could share the pool; supports <br />improvements to Burrell Field; she has concerns over the community being able to support <br />a bond issue. <br />6, Committee Member Comments <br />Board Member Cutter said that more education about bonds and parcel taxes is needed. <br />Board Member Hague said that Burrell Field needs to move forward towards resolution <br />and that joint-use of facilities is to everyone's advantage. <br />