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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 7 <br />May 19, 2008 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />G. Matter of Approval of Fiscal Year 2008-2010 Community Assistance Grants (approves <br />grants to support non-profit organizations that provide social services to City residents). <br />Cost: $400,000. Funding: $284,099 from General Fund; $115,901 from Community <br />(Moved to Item 9, Items Removed from <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund. <br />Consent Calendar.) <br /> <br /> <br /> Motion Accepting the Recommendation by the Human Services Commission to <br />Approve the Fiscal Year 2008-2010 Community Assistance Grant Funding. (2024) <br /> <br />H. Matter of Recommendation by the Recreation and Parks Commission for Fiscal Year <br />2008-2009 Community Benefit Grant Funding (approves grants to support agencies that <br />broaden the scope of cultural and enrichment opportunities for City residents). Cost: <br />(Moved to Item 9, Items Removed from Consent <br />$25,000. Funding: General Fund. <br />Calendar.) <br /> <br /> <br /> Motion Accepting the Recommendation by the Recreation and Parks Commission <br />to Approve the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Community Benefit Grant Funding. (1028) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-050 <br />I. , Resolution Approving the 2008-2009 Five-year Project List <br />for Underground Utility District Conversion Projects (establishes a list of <br />potential underground utility conversion projects to be considered within the next five <br />years). (1207) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-051 <br />J. , Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for Safe Routes to School 2006/2007 Project, Project No. 06-144-36-016 <br />(provides for installation of solar powered lighted crosswalks and accessories, roadside <br />signs, striping, pedestrian push buttons and fittings, concrete flat work, and speed <br />feedback signs). Funding: Safe Routes to School Grant Funds; Development Fee for <br />Street Improvements (DFSI) Fund; Measure B Bike and Pedestrian Fund; State of <br />California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grant Fund. (3134) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-052 <br />K. , Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for Senior Center Phase 2 Improvements, Project No. 06-210-18-116 (provides <br />for construction of a 21,000 square foot building and the reconstruction of a second <br />parking area). Funding: Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Fund; Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund; Housing and Urban Development (HUD) <br />Fund; Redevelopment Agency Joint Project Area Fund. (2926) <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-053 <br />L. , Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. <br />012-N to the Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects with the State of California <br />Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to Provide Local Match to Federal Funds for <br />the Washington Avenue and Estabrook Street Intersection Project, Project No. 150-38- <br />283, Federal-Aid Project No. 04-0541R (provides for the reconstruction of the traffic <br />signal at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Estabrook Street to improve <br />vehicular and pedestrian safety). (2500) <br /> <br /> <br />