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City of San L,eancl~°o - Persar~a~el Relatians Board <br />Special 1VIQeting of Thursday, Janaaary 24, 2008 <br />Chairperson McManus called the meeting to order in the Human Resources Department <br />Conference Room, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA on <br />Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 5:32 p.m. <br />Justinian Caire, Human Resources Director and Executive Secretary called the role. <br />PRESENT: Chairperson McManus, Member Anna Brannan (arrived at 5:47 p.m.), <br />Member Bill Jardin, and Member Kent Myers. <br />ABSENT: Vice-Chairperson Michael Munoz. <br />Public Comments: Darlene Evens, Bristol Blvd., a local citizen, was in the audience at <br />the start of the meeting. She asked about the availability of employee salary schedules <br />and overtime usage information. She was referred to the human resources and finance <br />departments respectively and the 2007-08 City of San Leandro Adopted Budget. <br />It was MS (Jardin/Myers) to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 23, <br />2007. The Motion carried 3 Ayes. (Member Brannan was not present to vote) <br />It was MS (Brannan/Jardin) to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December <br />13, 2007. The Motion carried 3 Ayes. (Member Brannan was not present to vote) <br />Secretary Caire indicated that staff was not recommending extending any employment list <br />due to expire between the months of January 18, 2008 and April 15, 2008. <br />Mernber Anna Brannan arrived at 5:47 p.m., prior to the discussion regarding the <br />classification specification update process. <br />Secretary Caire reviewed the classification specification update process with the Board <br />including the receipt of information from employees and supervisors, its analysis and <br />synthesis into a revised Classification Specification System which were then reviewed by <br />Department Heads. He also reviewed the Meet and Confer process that resulted in <br />agreement with the respective employee groups regarding the revised specifications <br />before the Board. <br />Secretary Caire also reviewed the new format of the class specifications, changes in the <br />definition, supervision and education and experience sections and the newly added <br />working condition section. <br />