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Objecthre #~ <br />a. Program Premise If homeless women have high quality one-on-one case management in support of their housing <br />searches, then the probability will increase that they will secure safe stable housing. <br />b. Program Activities Provide one-on-one case management primarily focused on housing to each homeless woman. <br />c. rrogram uutputs <br />BY JUNE 30, 2009 112 MONTHS): <br />80-100 women receive one-on-one case management. <br />BY JUNE 30, 2010 (24 MONTHS: <br />150-200 women receive one-on-one case management. <br />d. Pro ram Outcomes <br />BY JUNE 30, 2009 (12 MONTHS): <br />60% or 41 of the 68 women who stay at the shelter 30 days or more will depart the shelter with safe stable housing. <br />BY JUNE 30, 2010 (24 MONTHS): <br />60% or 66 of the 110 women who stay at the shelter 30 days or more will depart the shelter with safe stable housing. <br />-18- <br />CDBG Agreement with BFWC FY08-09 <br />G: ICOMMUNITYDEVELOPMEN7IHOUSING SERVICES DIVISIONICDBGISUBRECIPIENTSIBui!ding Futures With Women and Children (BFWC)IFY2008- <br />091Service AgreementlFY 08-09 BFWC CDBG Subrecipieni Agreement. doc <br />