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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2008 - RDA <br />RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MAKING HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445 FINDINGS AND <br />AUTHORIZING THE USE OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS FOR THE <br />DOWNTOWN LIGHTING AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 07-961- <br />83-054 <br />Recitals <br />WHEREAS, California Redevelopment Law at Health and Safety Code Section 33421 <br />authorizes a redevelopment agency to cause the installation of public improvements necessary in <br />the project area for carrying out the redevelopment plan; and <br />WiIEREAS, California Redevelopment Law at Health and Safety Code Section 33445 <br />provides that a redevelopment agency may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay all or a <br />portion of the cost of the construction of any building, facility, structure, or other improvements <br />that is publicly owned either within or without the project area if it determines all of the <br />following: <br />a. The buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are of benefit to the <br />project area or the immediate neighborhood in which the project is located; and <br />h. Thai no other reasonable means of financing the buildings, facilities, structures, or <br />other improvements are available to the community; and <br />c. That the payment of funds for the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other <br />improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project <br />area; and <br />d. The project is consistent with the Five Year Implementation Plan adopted by the <br />Agcncy pursuant to Section 33490; and <br />WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ("Agency") is <br />engaged in the Downtown Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements, Project No. 07-961-83-054, <br />in the downtown area, portions of which are located in the Plaza Redevelopment Project Area <br />and the Alameda County-City of San Leandro (the "Joint") Redevelopment Project Area, (the <br />°`Project Areas") which are designed in part to improve the pedestrian environment and improve <br />the economic health of the project areas; and <br />WHEREAS, on December 32007, the Agency approved Resolution No. 2007-015 RDA <br />adopting the Mid-Term Review of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 2004-2009 <br />Implementation Plan for the Project Areas, which identifies the Downtown Lighting and <br />Pedestrian Improvements and similar downtown pedestrian enhancements as being of the highest <br />