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J ~ <br />(13) A statement that the applicant understands and will comply with the <br />COUNTY's Staffing, and Equipment and Supply Specifications pollcies <br />regarding equipment carried in each ambulance, including AEps; <br />(14) A list of the actual number of ambulances and for each: the make and <br />model, year, the vehicle identification number (VIN), State vehicle license <br />number and proof of current Department of Motor Vehicle regiskratlon, and <br />proof of California Highway Patrol Ambulance Inspection Report and <br />Ambulance Identification Certificate; <br />(IS) A statement that the applicant understands and will comply with the <br />ambulance inspection process, Including the required fees. <br />(16) A statement that the applicant has or will have sufficient personnel <br />adequately trained and available to deliver ambulance service of good quality <br />at all times, including copies of their certificatlonsllicenses; <br />(17) A statement of the applicant's training and orientation programs for <br />EMT-1s and/or paramedics, and dispatch®rs; <br />(18) A description of the number and type, frequency and private line <br />codes of the vehicle's radios, and if used, phone numbers of the vehicle's <br />cellular phones; <br />(19) A description of the company's program for maintenance of the <br />vehicles; <br />(20) A d®scriptian and photo/image of the company's logo and color <br />scheme to be used to designate the ambulances of the applicant; <br />(21) The number of ambulances to be deployed on each shift; <br />(22) A description of the locations from which ambulance services will be <br />offered, noting the Hours of operation and phone numbers; <br />(23) Evidence of insurance coverage compliance under section 6.114.130; <br />(24) A Certificate of Consent to Self Insure issued by the California State <br />Director of Industrial Relations, or a Certificate of Workman's Compensation <br />Insurance; <br />(25) A Quality Management program as specified In section 6.114.410; <br />(26) A Disaster Response Plan as specified in section 6.114.460; <br />(27') All service charges and rates to be charged, showing compliance with <br />any maximum charges established by the County; <br />(zg) The application fee for a Certificate of Operation as set forth in the <br />COUNTY'S Administration Manual; <br />(2g) In a separate payment, the Ambulance Inspection fee for each <br />ambulance to be inspected as set forth In the GOUNTY's Administration <br />Manual. This fee may be returned If the PERMITTEE does not meet the basic <br />requirements of section 8.114.080 (C) and ambulances are not Inspected. <br />(30) If applying for a CCT Certificate of Operation, copies of all paperwork <br />for interfacility transport as identified in the COUNTY'S GCT and <br />Administrative pollcies. <br />10 <br />