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~- <br />~; <br />"Ambulance Permit" means the document andlor decal issued by the COUNTY for <br />each ambulance conforming to the requirements of these regulations, which Is <br />owned or controlled by a person holding a Certificate of Operation. <br />(F) AMBULANCE PROVIDER <br />"Ambulance provider" means a person, flan, partnership, corporation or other <br />organization, which furnishes or offers to furnish ambulance service. <br />{G) AMBULANCE SERVICE <br />"Ambulance service" means the activity, business or service, for hire, profit or <br />otherwise, of transporting one or more persons by an ambulance certified by the <br />CHP on or in any of the streets, roads, highways, alleys, or any public way or place <br />in this County. <br />(H) BASIC LIFE SUPPORT AMBULANCE SERVICE <br />"Basic Life Support Ambulance Service" or "BLS" means the service performed in <br />response to a non emergency call. Specifically, first aid and cardiopulmonary <br />resuscitation (CPR) procedures that as a minimum, includes recognizing respiratory <br />and oardiac arrest and starting the proper application of an automatic extomal <br />defibrillator (AED) and CPR to maintain life without invasive techniques until the <br />victim may be transported or until advanced life support is available. <br />(I) CERTIFICATE OF OPERATION <br />"Certificate of Operation" means the document issued by the COUNTY tp a <br />PERMITTEE that has met the requirements to operate an ambulance service in <br />Alameda County. Certificates of Operation will be issued for BLS and CCT levels of <br />service. <br />(,1) COUNTY <br />"COUNTY" means the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services District (EMS). <br />(K) COUNTY COMMUNtCAT10NS CENTER <br />"County Communications Center" means the County of Alameda Emergency <br />Operations Center (EOC). <br />(L) COUNTY DISPATCH <br />"County Dispatch" means the COUNTY designated Public Safely Answering Point <br />dispatch center(s). <br />(M) COUNTY POLICIES <br />"County Polic(os" means the policies and regulations as defined in the COUNTY's <br />Administrative Manual and Field Manual. <br />(N) CRITICAL CARE TRANSPORT <br />"Critical Care Transport or "CCT" means any emergency or non-emergency transport <br />of a patient where the skill level required fn the care of that patient during transport <br />requires, or may require, care within the CCT-Paramedic orCCT-RN scope of <br />practice. <br />(O) CRITICAL CARE TRANSPORT POLICIES <br />6 <br />