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RulesCommunications Highlights 2008 0618
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RulesCommunications Highlights 2008 0618
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7/3/2008 5:09:53 PM
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7/3/2008 5:09:52 PM
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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />June 18, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Jermanis noted that during the previous discussion on this item, Committee Member Souza <br />pointed out the value of retaining the RACs in order to have community input on the <br />Redevelopment Project Areas. He suggested the possibility of having one RAC that would <br />serve all the Project Areas. He commented that it could be time-consuming for the members, <br />and they would need to have a clear mission and duties. Mr. Sims commented on the staff <br />resources necessary to keep a committee active. Business Development Manager Battenberg <br />suggested that it maybe easier for members to serve on a committee if they are not required to <br />make amulti-year commitment. <br />Committee Member Souza commented that she would like to see the committee composition <br />defined; i.e., have a specific number of business owners, property owners, and citizen <br />representatives. She stated that she feels there is value to having representatives from the <br />affected areas versus having the members appointed by the Council, as are the members of the <br />Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments. <br />Committee Member Stephens suggested that the groups should have a defined charter, as did <br />the General Plan Advisory Committee and Transit-Oriented Development Citizens Advisory <br />Committee. Those groups came together, completed their work, and then disbanded. Mr. Sims <br />noted that the RAC is the only citizen committee that is ongoing. <br />The Committee discussed how the RACs might be reformed to work more effectively. It was <br />suggested that a single RAC could be comprised of nine members, with three members from <br />each Redevelopment Project Area. <br />Staff will develop a recommendation for the formation of an ad hoc committee to provide input <br />on the development of the 5-year implementation plans for all three Redevelopment Project <br />Areas, and will present the recommendation to the Committee at a future meeting. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Community Empowerment Fund Guidelines <br />Mr. Jermanis stated that the need to add more structure to the Community Empowerment Fund <br />process had been identified. He provided background on the history and intent of the <br />Community Empowerment Fund program. <br />Community Relations Representative Ornelas commented on the need to better formalize the <br />process, including creating a more formal paper trail and requiring recipients to be 501(c)(3) <br />non-profit, non-religious, and local San Leandro groups. <br />The Committee agreed with the suggestions for revising the Community Empowerment Fund <br />Guidelines to provide the necessary structure. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends that staff revise the Community Empowerment Fund Guidelines <br />as discussed, and forward to the City Council for consideration. <br />
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