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NIINUTES Page 8 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 16, 2008 <br />(FSCCRC); Spectrum Community Services; and Bay Area Community Services <br />(BAGS) (Woodroe Place) (provides loans to organizations for public facilities and <br />improvements). Cost: $155,000. Funding: CDBG Funds. <br />(1093/2096/2547/3136/3137) <br />E. Resolution No. 2008-066, Resolution Establishing the City's Appropriation Limit for <br />Fiscal Year 2008-09 (establishes the Gann appropriation limit at $139,427,250). (1051) <br />F. Matter of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro Authorizing an <br />Additional Appropriation of $630,000 of Alameda-County/City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Project Area Funds and $1,100,000 of Plaza Redevelopment Project <br />Area Funds, and Award of Contract to McGuire and Hester for the Downtown Lighting <br />and Pedestrian Improvements, Project No. 07-961-83-054. <br />• Resolution No. 2008-016 RDA, Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the <br />City of San Leandro Making Health and Safety Code Section 33445 Findings and <br />Authorizing the Use of Redevelopment Agency Funds for the Downtown Lighting <br />and Pedestrian Improvements, Project No. 07-961-83-054 (authorizes the <br />allocation and expenditure of funds for the subject project). (3133) <br />• Resolution No. 2008-067, Resolution of the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro of Award of Contract to McGuire and Hester for the Downtown Lighting <br />and Pedestrian Improvements, Project No. 07-961-83-054 (recommends award to <br />the low bidder for $2,813,295). Bids opened on May 9, 2008. Funding: <br />Redevelopment Agency Plaza Area Fund and Joint Project Area Fund. (3133) <br />G. Resolution No. 2008-068, Resolution Accepting the Work for the City of San Leandro <br />Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Effluent Irrigation Project, Project No. 06-593- <br />52-219 (provides for a new treatment building, piping, pumps, treatment and monitoring <br />equipment to treat and supply recycled water to Marina Golf Course and Tony Lema <br />Golf Course). (31 O1) <br />H. Resolution No. 2008-069, Resolution Approving Parcel Map 8216 for 15301 <br />Farnsworth Street, San Leandro, Assessor's Parcel No. 080G-1369-019-00; Owner, <br />Subdivider, and Applicant: Trinh Hoang (provides for atwo-lot subdivision to create <br />two residential properties, an interior lot of 4,608 square feet with 51.65 feet of frontage <br />on Burkhart Avenue, and a corner lot of 5,650 square feet with a combined frontage of <br />135.8 feet on both Burkhart Avenue and Farnsworth Street). (3138) <br />I. Resolution No. 2008-070, Resolution Approving a Contractual Services Agreement <br />with KOA Corporation Related to the Washington Avenue and Estabrook Street <br />Intersection Improvement Project, Project No. 150-28-283 (provides professional design <br />services and construction support for the subject project). Cost: $63,895. Funding: <br />Grant Funds and Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSl7 Funds. (2323) <br />