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4. Project Updates <br />• Senior Center <br />o On site work going on well <br />o Working on light poles and landscaping to get parking lot complete. <br />o Signals will be turned on in about 3 months <br />o Phase 2 building <br />^ Opening bids in July <br />• Effluent Golf Course Irrigation <br />• Roof Replacement Phase 1 <br />• Sanitary Sewer Point Repairs <br />• Traffic Signal System Upgrades <br />• Doolittle Drive Phases 1 & 2 <br />Discussion ensued. Mayor Santos commented that the Doolittle Drive project is behind <br />schedule. Ken explained that this was due to issues with Caltrans that set us back for <br />months. He stated that we often face challenges when working in their right of way. <br />John Jermanis brought up the issue of the power outage on Lewelling. He stated that Uche <br />and Keith have been in contact with Comcast. Keith has done measurements of the wire that <br />the truck brought down. There are a number of issues to be discussed, as well as what <br />actions we want to take. Comcast is using their rights to right of way to our disadvantage. <br />Uche explained that our hands are tied due to the power of franchise being taken away from <br />us. The law has taken away our rights to address them. We want to file a complaint with the <br />PUC and do what we canto bring them into compliance. John explained that staff feels that <br />if we don't push back, we will have a continuation of this. They're taking short cuts and are <br />putting the community at risk. <br />5. Public Comments <br />None <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. <br />