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Shoreline CAC Mission Statement <br />A mission statement is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of the Shoreline CAC. <br />Many elements of the Transit-Oriented Development Strategy CAC (TOD CAC) will be <br />incorporated into the process of selecting Shoreline CAC members. However, the mission of the <br />Shoreline CAC is markedly different. The TOD CAC's activities were supported by $500,000 in <br />grants and included the creation of a strategy which promotes downtown livability and <br />pedestrian and transit improvements through 2030. The TOD CAC's mission was to create a <br />strategy for future development. The Shoreline CAC's responsibility will include visioning, <br />however, emphasis will be placed on providing feedback to the development team and City <br />Council on the type of development (hotel, conference center, restaurants, office, residential, <br />retail, etc) that would work synergistically and complement current shoreline amenities. A <br />requirement that the development plan be economically viable is essential. A draft mission <br />statement follows: <br />The Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee's mission is to provide input to <br />the City Council and development team on a comprehensive master plan for the <br />Shoreline area that provides complementary amenities to the citizens of the City of San <br />Leandro, connects the amenities with current shoreline zrses, recognizes the development <br />value of this desirable regional location and how commercial development can fund <br />public amenities and services, addresses logical phasing of development, requires little <br />or no City investment, and results in a Shoreline which is self-supporting. <br />Shoreline CAC Selection Process <br />In order to select a diverse group of individuals and stakeholders to represent the citizens of San <br />Leandro, the City would solicit applications. Outreach efforts would include press releases to <br />the Daily Review and San Leandro Times, two advertisements in "City Comer", notice on the <br />City's website, notices to homeowners associations, business associations and religious <br />organizations, Chamber of Commerce outreach, notices to Shoreline business owners and <br />tenants, and outreach to individuals suggested by City Council members. Applications would <br />also be sent to members of the Board of Zoning Adjustments as well as Planning, and Park and <br />Recreation Commissioners. <br />Recommended composition of the Shoreline CAC includes City board members and <br />commissioners, residents, property owners, business owners and representation from the various <br />stakeholder groups such as boat owners, stakeholder and interest groups, affordable housing <br />advocates, environmentalists, etc. Several criteria could be used to select the committee, such <br />as: <br />• Geographic distribution of applicant pool <br />• Ethnic, gender and age distribution <br />• Balance between long-time residents and newer residents <br />• Commission and board representation <br />• Business representation <br />• Interest group representation <br />• Subject matter experts <br />