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IN THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2008- <br />RESOLUTION OPPOSING STATE BUDGET DECISIONS THAT WOULD "BORROW" <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENT, REDEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION FUNDS <br />WHEREAS, on July 1, 2008 the State Legislature missed its Constitutional budget <br />deadline; and <br />WHEREAS, both the Governor and the Legislative Budget Conference Committee have <br />recommended balanced budgets without resorting to "loans" or seizures of local government <br />properly tax, redevelopment tax increment and transportation sales tax funds; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2004 by an $4% margin of approval the voters of California approved <br />Proposition 1 A to end the practice of taking local government funds to fmance the state budget; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2006 by a 77% margin of approval the voters of California also approved <br />Proposition 1 A, providing similar protections to transportation funding for state and local <br />transportation projects, including important street maintenance and public transit programs; and <br />WHEREAS, both ballot measures allow the Governor to declare a "severe state of fiscal <br />hardship" and "borrow" these funds if they are repaid in three years with interest. However, failure <br />to reach a balanced budget is not a "severe state of fiscal hardship" and would not justify reductions <br />in critical local services, community revitalization programs and infrastructure maintenance at a <br />time when cities are struggling to balance their own budgets during this economic down turn; and <br />WHEREAS, city investments in infrastructure, affordable housing and basic public safety <br />and other community services will create needed jobs and speed our economic recovery; and <br />WHEREAS, the Legislature should balance the state budget with state revenues and respect <br />the overwhelming support of voters for not using local property taxes, redevelopment tax increment <br />and transportation sales tax funds to fund the day-to-day operating cost of state programs. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Leandro <br />hereby opposes any and all efforts by state government to "borrow" or take local tax funds, <br />redevelopment tax increment and transportation sales tax funds by the state government to finance <br />state operations. <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to send this resolution and <br />communicate this Council's strong opposition on this matter to the Governor and our Legislators <br />along with an expression of our continued appreciation for their steadfast opposition to further <br />borrowing or seizure of these funds. <br />