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Analysis <br />Bids on this project were opened on June 24, 2008. There were four bidders with bids <br />ranging from $1,292,390 to $1,992,690. The engineer's estimate was $1,302,975. The <br />low bidder was Bay Cities Paving and Grading, Inc. Of the four bidders, only the highest <br />bid, Ray's Electric, met ACTIA's Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) goal of 10%. <br />ACTIA reviewed the Good Faith Effort documentation from the low bidder in <br />accordance with its Local Business Contract Equity Program. This review concluded that <br />the low bidder did not put forth an effort to substantiate a "Good Faith Effort" and <br />therefore did not meet ACTIA funding requirements. <br />The second and third low bidders have similar issues in meeting ACTIA's goal. Since <br />the only qualified bidder is approximately $700,000 higher than the low bidder, it is in <br />the City's interest to re-bid the project. Staff anticipates re-bidding this project in Winter <br />2008 for a Spring 2009 start of construction. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• To improve and maintain the City's roadways <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On May 1, 2000, by Resolution No. 2000-63, the City Council recommended that <br />Alameda County place Measure B (extension of the 1 /2 cent sales tax for <br />transportation projects) on the November ballot <br />• On March 18, 2002, by Resolution No. 2002-35, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to enter into a Master Funding Agreement with ACTIA for Measure B <br />Programmatic Pass-Through Funds <br />• On July 1, 2002, by Resolution No. 2002-906, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to enter into a Master Funding Agreement with ACTIA for Measure B <br />capital project funds <br />• On September 16, 2002, by Resolution 2002-137, the City Council amended the <br />Master Funding Agreement with ACTIA to include the I-880/Washington Avenue <br />Interchange project <br />• On July 7, 2003, the City Council heard City staffs recommended alternative(s); the <br />item was continued to the July 21, 2003 meeting <br />• On July 21, 2004, by Resolution 2003-184, the City Council endorsed Alternative 1 <br />(Beatrice Street with Traffic Signals) with Alternative 4 (Beatrice Street Traffic <br />Signals with a Double Left Turn Lane at Northbound Washington Avenue) as a <br />potential future phase <br />• On June 20, 2005, by Resolution 2005-092, the City Council approved a design <br />contract with Mark Thomas for the preparation of construction documents <br />• On June 4, 2007, by Resolution 2007-075 the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute an easement agreement with Safeway fora 132.5 sq. ft. portion <br />of property at 699 Lewelling Boulevard <br />• On May 5, 2008, by Resolution 2008-046 the City Council approved the plans and <br />specifications and called for bids <br />