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Agreement for City Attorney Legal Services <br />2. Services Excluded from the "Basic Level of Services" <br />Additional services outside the scope of city attorney services shall be billed to City as <br />provided in paragraph 5 B below. Such additional services include those rendered in <br />connection with preparation, prosecution and defense of litigation, including the <br />representation of City officials and employees, as appropriate and necessary; representation <br />at administrative and regulatory hearings; eminent domain proceedings; advice regarding <br />specialized employment issues, personnel disciplinary matters; construction disputes; non- <br />routine and/or specialized matters such as annexations or municipal financing matters. All <br />matters wherein the City recoups its expenses through cost recovery shall be billed to City as <br />set forth in paragraph 5 B below. <br />A. Municipal services, outside of the retainer, to include but not necessarily limited to; <br />Non-routine or specialized real estate and land use matters, such <br />as property acquisition and disposition, or complex environmental/CEQA <br />matters. <br />2. Non-routine or specialized matters such as comprehensive <br />update of the City's general plan or zoning ordinance, annexations, water <br />rights, or Williamson Act issues. <br />3. Municipal finance, tax, fee and assessment issues. <br />4. Motions seeking discovery of police officer personnel records <br />and hearings involving weapons confiscations. <br />5, Litigation, eminent domain, arbitration, mediation, administrative <br />hearings, and related matters leading to such proceedings. <br />Cable TV rate regulations and FCC appeals. <br />7. Labor negotiations, Skelly hearings, disciplinary hearings, similar non- <br />routine personnel matters, and matters leading to such proceedings, <br />8. Redevelopment services. <br />9. Other legal services excluded from the "basic level of services" as <br />discussed by and between the City Attorney and City Manager and <br />determined by the City Manager. <br />B. Those matters for which the City may recoup its expenses through cost recovery <br />from a third party or entity, to include but not necessarily limited to: <br />Band Counsel matters. <br />2. Water rights and land use development matters. <br />-3- <br />