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3B Public Hearing 2008 0915
City Clerk
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Packet 2008 0915
3B Public Hearing 2008 0915
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9/12/2008 9:50:18 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Siemens. The City will make progress payments to Siemens in accordance with applicable <br />law in the amount shown in Exhibit B-1 for the value of the Work actually performed and the <br />material incorporated in the Work as specified in Siemens' verified application for payment <br />upon approval by the City's authorized representative(s). Payment of progress payments will <br />not be construed as acceptance of the Work performed. <br />4.2.1 Final Payment Exhibit A-1. City shall pay the final payment per Exhibit B-1 <br />(Table B-1) pursuant to this Agreement within sixty (60) days after completion of the <br />services and submittal to City of a final invoice following Acceptance of the Work provided <br />that: <br />(a) Siemens has furnished evidence satisfactory to the City that all claims <br />for labor and material have been paid, or the time for filing valid stop notices has passed and <br />no stop notices have been filed, or all stop notices filed have been released by valid release or <br />release bond acceptable to the City; <br />(b) No claim has been presented to the City by any person based upon any <br />acts or omissions of Siemens or any subcontractor engaged in the performance of the Work; <br />(c) No other claim or dispute exists under the Agreement or applicable <br />law concerning payment of Siemens final invoice and/or release of the Agreement retention; <br />4.2.2 Payments Exhibits A-2 and A-3. City shall pay for services provided under <br />Exhibit A-2 and A-3 on an annual basis pursuant to Exhibit B-1 upon Siemens submittal of <br />an invoice pursuant to Section 4.1 less the amount due City per Exhibit C. If the amount <br />from Exhibit C is greater than the amount from Exhibits A-2 and A-3, Siemens will <br />reimburse the City this amount within 30 days. <br />4.3 Total Payment. City shall pay for the services to be rendered by Siemens <br />pursuant to this Agreement. City shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost <br />whatsoever incurred by Siemens in rendering services pursuant to this Agreement. City shall <br />make no payment for any extra, further, or additional service pursuant to this Agreement, <br />unless agreed in a subsequent writing by both Parties. <br />In no event shall Siemens submit any invoice for an amount in excess of the maximum <br />amount of compensation provided above either for a task or for the entire Agreement, unless <br />the Agreement is modified prior to the submission of such an invoice by a properly executed <br />change order or amendment. <br />4.4 Hourly Fees. Rates for additional work performed by Siemens on an hourly <br />basis shall not exceed the amounts shown on Siemens' billing rate schedule attached hereto <br />as Exhibit B-3. Annual rates schedule updates shall be provided and approved in writing by <br />City prior to any work being performed. Adjustments to rates shall not exceed 2.5% per year. <br />~.5 Prevailing Wage Requirements. Pursuant to Labor Code §§ 1770 et seq., <br />Siemens shall pay to persons performing labor in and about Work provided for in the <br />Agreement not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar <br />WPCP Cogeneration 090808 -Page 8 of 60 <br />
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