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Agreement for City Attorney Legal Services <br />D. Review <br />The City and Meyers Nave shall review the compensation for "Basic Level of <br />Services" and for "Additional Legal Services" annually. <br />E, Increases <br />Commencing on July 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, at the commencement of each <br />succeeding fiscal year, the retainer amount for "Basic Level of Services" shall be <br />automatically adjusted in an amount of the change in the Consumer Price Index for the <br />San Francisco Bay Area, all urban consumers for San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose <br />Metropolitan Area, published bimonthly by the United States Department of Labor, <br />Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor index. By April 1 st of each year, Meyers <br />Nave may propose any additional increase in compensation for "Additional Legal <br />Services" to become effective each July 15t of this Agreement following discussion by <br />and consideration of the request by all relevant parties. <br />6. Selection of Counsel <br />City reserves the right to retain outside counsel not associated with Meyers Nave to <br />provide legal services at the City's sole discretion. If the City decides to retain outside <br />counsel, Meyers Nave may provide oversight of the outside counsel as requested by the <br />City Manager. <br />7. Costs and Expenses <br />Meyers Nave shall bill the City monthly for the overhead costs incurred. We charge an <br />administrative fee of 5% of our fees in lieu of individual charges for normal duplicating, <br />long distance telephone, express mail, postage, messenger services, computer research, <br />and the like. However, if the City prefers to pay actual charges for such overhead, we will <br />be happy to charge such at our internal cost. <br />The City shall reimburse Meyers Nave for the actual costs incurred by outside vendors <br />working directly on the case/matter, such as court costs, including filing fees, witness fees, <br />experts and depositions and discovery costs not directly paid by the City, <br />Meyers Nave may use City equipment (such as but not necessarily limited to postage, <br />stationery, office supplies, library, and copying) while working on behalf of the City and at <br />its City Hall at no cost to Meyers Nave. <br />8. Monthly Billing <br />Meyers Nave shall keep a record of time spent on all matters in increments of one-tenth <br />(0.1) of an hour, Each task shall be distinctly and completely identified. The billing entry <br />must contain the name or initials of the individual performing the task, the nature of the <br />task, the date it was performed, and the length of time it took. <br />Meyers Nave shall submit all invoices no later than the last day of the month following the <br />month in which services were performed and actual costs incurred. <br />9. Independent Contractor <br />Meyers Nave declares that it is engaged in an independent business and agrees to perform <br />-5- <br />