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Agreement for City Attorney Legal Services <br />Such acknowledgments, however, do not permit Meyers Nave to still represent another <br />client in opposing the specific project for which you engage us without your specific written <br />consent. <br />Meanwhile, Meyers Nave requests that you review this letter carefully and we also <br />encourage you to consult legal counsel regarding the effect of this conflict waiver if you wish <br />to do so. if what we've outlined in this document is consistent with your understanding of <br />our respective responsibilities, please indicate such by returning a signed copy of this letter <br />to me at your earliest convenience. We've also enclosed an additional copy of this letter that <br />you should retain for your records. <br />12. Business License <br />Meyers Nave shall be responsible for securing and paying for a City business license as <br />required by the City's Municipal Code. <br />13. Insurance <br />During the term of this engagement, Meyers Nave shall take out and maintain the following <br />insurances: <br />• General liability and property damage insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000; <br />• Professional errors and omissions insurance, not below $2,000,000 per occurrence; <br />• $4,000,000 aggregate minimum, which may not be canceled or reduced in required <br />limits of liability unless Meyers Nave provides the City with at least ten days advance <br />written notice. <br />14. No Guarantee Outcome <br />Any comments made by us about the potential outcome of the matters are expressions of <br />opinion only and are not guarantees or promises about any outcome or results. <br />15. Professional Standing <br />Meyers Nave's 's lawyers working with the City shall be at all times be members in good <br />standing of the State Bar of California, and shall conduct themselves in full compliance with <br />the standards of Professional Conduct of the State Bar. <br />16. Nondiscrimination <br />Meyers Nave shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, and national <br />origin, and gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, <br />legally protected medical condition, veteran status, or any other basis protected by state or <br />federal laws. <br />17. Choice of Law <br />This agreement together with any and all disputes arising there from shall be governed <br />solely by the laws of the State of California. <br />18. Entire Agreement; Full Understanding; Modifications in Writing <br />-~- <br />