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EYHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />August 14, 2008 <br />Ms. Debbie Polla-rt <br />Facilities Manager <br />Public Works Department <br />City of San Leandro <br />14200 Chapman Road <br />San Leandro, CA 94578 <br />Subject: Proposal for Facilities Condition Assessment <br />Dear Ms. Pollart: <br />Thank you for taking the time to meet with Richard Hubbell of CH2M HILL Facilities Services (CH2M <br />HILL), a facilities management firm, regarding a proposed facilities condition assessment for The City of <br />San Leandro, California (San Leandro). To follow up that discussion, we are pleased to provide a <br />proposal for the assessment. <br />Project Description <br />San Leandro wishes to establish a baseline of current conditions in 45 facilities totaling 381,239 square <br />feet. This baseline will be used for capital and expense planning. <br />Project Approach <br />CH2M HILL will utilize its Facilities Condition Assessment Program to record and summarize the <br />maintenance inspection data for the 45 facilities as listed in Attachment A. The intent of this effort is to <br />use the report and summary cost estimates to define and quantify the extent of any deferred maintenance <br />backlog inherent in the buildings and to develop a capital improvement plan as a budgetary guideline <br />once the backlog is overcome. <br />The physical audit will consist of a comprehensive building tour visually examining all workspace, <br />mechanical and electrical rooms, storage, support areas, roof, equipment pads, exterior closure, and <br />grounds noting any observed deficiencies. All building infrastructure and support equipment will be <br />inspected for defects, normal life expectancy and deferred maintenance issues. <br />Cost estimates for remediation of observed deficiencies will be determined by utilizing a combination of <br />R.S. Means Cost Works, vendor quotes and industry knowledge and benchmarks. <br />In order to maintain a perspective, our assessment and reporting will typically be limited to individual <br />deficiencies and deferred maintenance items of $500 or greater. This threshold excludes from this <br />discussion typical maintenance items and preventive maintenance routines where costs would typically <br />be captured in the maintenance department's operating budget. There may be a few exceptions to this in <br />areas where cross-building trends occur and the dollars became more significant. Painting is an example. <br />A building systems approach to the audit process generally yields the most comprehensive and organized <br />method of determining building condition and highlighting individual building deficiencies as well as defect <br />Consulting Services Agreement between September 2008 <br />City of San Leandro and CH2M HILL Page 15of 21 <br />