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- Provide digital color photographs for reference. <br />- Formulate deferred maintenance budget for identified deficiencies. <br />- Formulate capital replacement budget for identified deficiencies. <br />-- Provide all inspection data in electronic and hard copy report. <br />Note: A sample of final report deliverables has been supplied to San Leandro) <br />Assumptions and Clarifications <br />• Excluded from this assessment are furnishings, computing, printing and telecommunications <br />equipment (except for infrastructure support), office machines and reprographic equipment, <br />engineering studies, and detailed testing such as voltage, pressure, temperature or chemical testing, <br />water sampling, or roof coring. <br />• If additional services are requested beyond those identified in this proposal, CH2M HILL will <br />determine acceptable fees and obtain the approval of San Leandro prior to commencement of such <br />services. <br />Project Team <br />CH2M HILL is prepared to assign qualified facilities professionals to provide the services outlined above <br />with the following staff resources: <br />Narrte f~esportsi~ilities.. <br />Rick Hubbell, CFM Overall management of assessment process and preparation and delivery <br />Project Manager of report and collateral materials. <br />Coordination of on-site assessment, data collection, analysis and <br />estimating associated with the on-site inspection of buildings, grounds ahd <br />equipment. Technical inspection and reporting of all building systems -and <br />components. <br />.. <br />George Gillingham, CFM Ori-sits assessment, data cr3liection, analysis and estimating associated <br />Assessment Specialist with the on-steinspection ~of bi~itding interior firtishes, flooring, walls, doors <br />and glazing, ceilings",.interior lighting, cabinetry & fixtures and architectural <br />details. <br />Additional CH2M HILL subject matter experts can be made available to San Leandro should the need <br />arise. <br />Project Schedule <br />CH2M HILL stands ready to commence work immediately upon receipt of a signed copy of the attached <br />contract. <br />Project Pricing <br />CH2M HILL will perform services as described herein, inclusive of expenses, for a fixed price of $60,000. <br />The cost of engineering or other consulting that may be required is separate from this agreement and will <br />be negotiated as the need arises. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between September 2008 <br />City of San Leandro and CH2M HILL Page 17of 21 <br />