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8G Consent 2008 1006
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Packet 2008 1006
8G Consent 2008 1006
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10/3/2008 9:59:13 AM
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10/3/2008 9:59:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1. UNDERSTANDING. The Senior Center project consists of a 21,000 square foot building capable of <br />supporting existing and future senior citizen programs and also functions as the City's Emergency Operations <br />Center. The new facility will have a 4,350 square foot main hall, kitchen, computer room, crafts room, exercise <br />room, two classrooms, and a staff area. Plans and specifications for the project have been prepared by Group 4 <br />Architecture Research + Planning, Inc. ("Architect"). The City entered into a contract with Alten Construction, Inc. <br />("General Contractor") who will furnish all labor, materials, and equipment required to build the project. This <br />contract is to provide special inspection as required for the construction of the aforementioned improvements. <br />Inspections are to be performed as required by the plans and specifications, building department, and project <br />manager. <br />2. SCOPE OF WORK. <br />a. Provide inspection of reinforced concrete: Mix design reviews, batch plant inspection, concrete <br />placement, and concrete cylinder tests, reinforcing sampling and testing for tensile and bend tests. <br />b. Provide inspection and testing samples for grouting of brace frame columns. <br />c. Provide inspection of structural steel, including expansion and epoxy anchors, structural steel and <br />high strength bolts. Provide inspection for structural steel welding. <br />d. Provide written documentation of testing done or observations made for each field trip. <br />e. Provide final summary affidavit including statement of conformance with plans and specifications. <br />3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. <br />a. Job site work hours are Monday through Friday Sam to 6pm, observations and inspections will be <br />scheduled during these hours. Observations or inspections scheduled outside of these hours shall be <br />charged at an overtime rate of 1 %2 times the regular hourly rate, except that work on Sundays and <br />Holidays shall be charged at 2 times the regular hourly rate. <br />b. Contractor shall be given a written schedule of work; changes to the schedule shall be issued at least <br />48 hours in advance of the work. <br />c. Contractor shall perform observation and inspections within 48 hours of request by City. <br />CSA between City of San Leandro and Applied Materials & Engineering, Inc Project No. 06-210-18-116 <br />San Leandro Senior Center -Phase 2 Exhibit A Page 15 <br />
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