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provisions to allow the Senior Center to serve as an Emergency Operations Center during a <br />state of emergency were also approved <br />• Exterior elevations for the Phase 2 building improvements were approved by the Facilities <br />Committee in September 2007. Regular updates during the project design were presented to <br />the Senior Commission <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Policy 50.01--Access to senior services should be improved through planning, advocacy, and <br />the use of City resources to address identified needs <br />• Action 5.01-A Develop a senior center <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />• This project is consistent with zoning for the area as well as the East 14th Street South Area <br />Development Strategy <br />• No variance is anticipated <br />Environmental Review <br />+ The project is categorically exempt <br />Code Compliance Review <br />• A City of San Leandro Building Permit will be obtained for this work <br />• An Encroachment Permit was obtained for work on East 14th Street within the Caltrans <br />right-of-way <br />• A permit has been obtained from the Alameda County Flood Control for connection to its <br />storm drain <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />• The Senior Commission provided input on the conceptual design and will continue to <br />participate as the project progresses <br />• A genexal update on this project was given to the Redevelopment Agency Joint Project Area <br />(JPA) RAC on November 15, 2006 <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />• Two community meetings were held as part of the needs assessment and conceptual design <br />phase; input was solicited on site selection and building/program features <br />• No further public meetings are anticipated <br />Fiscal Impact <br />• The cost of these special inspection services are $74,658 and will be funded from existing <br />Account No. 962-$6-064 <br />• The Public Works Department estimated that the Phase 2 building improvements will <br />increase annual maintenance costs by $216,000 <br />