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~~ <br />C. Kell-Smith & Associates, Int. <br />~~ ~. <br />1200 Bayhill Drive, Suite 224 <br />San Bruno, CA 94066 <br />650-827-3900 phone <br />650-827-3909 fax <br /> <br />Letter of Transmittal <br />To: William Schock <br />City of San Leandro <br />From: Anna Wlasiuk <br />C. Kell-Smith ~ Associates <br />Date: September 4, 2008 <br />RE: Update on San Leandro Residential Airport Noise Insulation Program <br />William, <br />Just a brief update on the program status for the City Council Airport Committee meeting Friday, <br />September 5: <br />PHASEI <br />Post-Construction Homeowner Surveys - 37 surveys returned from a total of 71 distributed. <br />Majority of the responses were quite positive with 100% responding "YES" on .. . <br />Whether or not the homeowners were satisfied with the results of the project? <br />Were the terms, features and scope of the program explained sufficiently? <br />Were project administrators, consultants, City Staff, helpful, courteous and prompt? <br />Would you recommend it to your neighbors? <br />Acoustical Final Report -Final Report submitted week of June 2. <br />Average Reduction is 6.6 d8 -SUCCESSFUL as FAA requires a 5 dB reduction <br />Pending - NOC issued upon review of Contractor closeout documents: <br />Corrected certified payroll reports <br />Maintenance and Warranty Bond <br />Corrections to As-Built Drawings submitted by the Contractor <br />Backup documentation for the RCP costs and credits to the City <br />Aircraft Noise Insulation Projects • Program Management • Administrative Services <br />