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building. Sims also noted that In-N-Out Burger is nearly complete and plans to open in <br />late September or early October. <br />Preferred Freezer: Sims informed the Committee that grading work has started on the <br />site and the developer has begun to pull some building permits. The project is expected <br />to be completed in summer 2009. <br />d. Estabrook Senior Housing: Sims updated the Committee by explaining that the project <br />has been fully designed and that building permits are currently ready to be issued. <br />e. Bayfair Construction: Madison Marquette, the owner of the Bayfair Center, has begun <br />work on a new food court. Demolition is nearly complete and individual food vendors <br />will be making improvements soon. The redesign will include natural light, better access <br />from the central mall and enhanced dining areas. <br />£ Kaiser Project: Sims informed the Committee that Kaiser will start demolishing the <br />existing buildings on the site beginning with those along Merced Avenue. The Planning <br />Commission held a hearing on the Notice of Preparation ("NOP") for the Environmental <br />Impact Report on August 28, 2008. The NOP begins the process for preparing an EIR. <br />The process has been restarted from last year to include the medical center in the initial <br />project description. <br />g. East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Building Demolition: Sims informed the <br />Committee that the John Benjamin Company, the developer selected by the City through <br />the RFP process, has declined to proceed with the project citing issues with the <br />residential market. Sims explained that Langon Homes, a successful local developer and <br />third highest finisher in the RFP process, has been in discussions with the City and would <br />like to explore constructing the project through an Exclusive Negotiating Rights <br />Agreement (ENRA). <br />Sims also informed the Committee that the existing EBMUD building will be demolished <br />this fall. After an inquiry from Councilmember Souza, Sims explained that funding for <br />the demolition was included in the fiscal year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program <br />budget. <br />There was Committee consensus that staff bring an ENRA to the Agency for approval. <br />3. Public Comments: <br />Darlene Evans, San Leandro resident, addressed the Committee regarding community <br />compliance issues for residential rentals and would like to see a photographic record <br />documenting the current conditions of rental properties in San Leandro. <br />4. Committee Member Comments: <br />