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BusHsgDev Highlights 2008 0911
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Business & Housing Development Committee
BusHsgDev Highlights 2008 0911
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TCRA <br />San Leandro LINKS <br />2008 Shuttle Rider Survey <br />1008 Employee Transportation lurvey <br />Background <br />The LINKS Shuttle program has been providing free round-trip service from the San Leandro <br />BART station to employers in West San Leandro since 2001. Now in its seventh year of <br />operation, employees from more than 800 employers have the LINKS service available to them. <br />Funding for the shuttle has been provided by various agencies, including the City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency, a West San Leandro Business Improvement District (BID), a Low <br />Income Federal Transportation (LIFT) grant, as well as grants from the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. The overriding objective <br />of the LINKS shuttle is to serve employers by aiding retention and hiring. Ridership continues to <br />increase, and is sometimes at capacity. The annual rider study measures satisfaction and use to <br />determine ways to improve the shuttle service. <br />Survey Methodology <br />The survey was administered to shuttle riders on May 7th and 8th during the morning and <br />afternoon hours of shuttle operation. Both Spanish and English versions were available. A total <br />of 149 responses were collected, comparable to the responses in previous years. <br />This is the third year that the shuttle has been evaluated by an independent agency. The <br />questionnaire has not been modified a great deal since 2006, so the results are directly <br />comparable. A copy of the questionnaire is included in the Appendix. <br />Trip Purpose <br />In 2008, more than nine out often riders were using the shuttle for work. This is a significant <br />increase from past years. Notably, there is a marked decrease in respondents who say they are <br />riding the shuttle for school. Students younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult on the <br />shuttle; perhaps a heightened awareness of this restriction led to fewer students riding the shuttle. <br />Table 1 on the following page shows the trip purpose. <br />Valerie Brock Consulting 2 June, 1008 <br />
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