Laserfiche WebLink
|nexamining the strengths and weaknesses ofthe agency we <br />tried to identify what wedowell, and what areas need <br />improvement. Through various group meetings, the following <br />items were identified asstrengths: <br />T.Full service agency <br />2.Dedicated group ofemployees <br />3. Strong public support / credibility with the community <br />4.Knowledgeable staff <br />5.High level ofcredibility with other law enforcement <br />agencies <br />6.Strong training program with existing resources <br />7.High quality, thorough criminal investigations <br />conducted <br />8.Have adedicated group ofvolunteers -RSVP <br />9. Maintain and encourage proactive policing <br />approach <br />TO.Command staff accessibility via "open door" policy <br />Areas needing improvennen� <br />1.[ontinuetodeve|opsenice'ohentedemp|oyees <br />2.Develop / enhance methods ofexternal <br />communication with the community <br />3.Improve inter -agency communications <br />4.Develop amentoring program <br />5.Promote the health, wellness and fitness ofour <br />employees <br />6.Find ways toprovide additional orspecialized <br />training for those employees who desire it <br />7.Explore ways toexpand the police building <br />8.Crime analysis forecasting <br />12 <br />