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2A Work Session 2008 1013
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Packet 2008 1013
2A Work Session 2008 1013
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Identifying Scenarios <br />by <br />B"EST AND WORST CASE <br />SCENARIOS <br />In identifying the best and worst case scenarios for each <br />division we examined many different factors. The primary <br />emphasis was placed on the historical crime rates the <br />department has experienced and our ability to effectively <br />combat it. We also factored into our decision the needs and <br />expectations of the community and City government, as well <br />as the services we feel would ensure the safest community <br />possible. The final factor that impacts all of the planning is the <br />funding required to increase staffing levels and update/improve <br />equipment over the next three years. <br />A. Patrol Division Best Case Scenario would increase staffing <br />by eight officer and one sergeant positions. The following is <br />the breakdown of where the staffing would be deployed: <br />1. There are currently three crews during the week that <br />have six officers assigned, leaving one beat void for <br />minimal amounts of time during the day. We <br />would like to add one officer to each of those crews to <br />fully staff all of the beats 24 hours a day. This would <br />also allow officers to work smaller geographical <br />areas, provide a higher visibility to citizens and <br />improve on response times. <br />2. There are currently three officers and a sergeant <br />assigned to the TAC Unit, allowing them to only <br />provide coverage on selected days of the week. We <br />would like to add three more officers and a sergeant <br />to the unit. By enhancing the size of the unit it <br />would allow for seven day a week coverage and <br />concentrated gang enforcement duties. <br />3. Our current vacation relief pool consists of four officers <br />who provide coverage for officers on vacation for <br />one week or longer. We do not have any positions <br />to fill in for officers who are off due to injury, illness, <br />or training classes. Our most recent studies have <br />shown that we generally operate well below our <br />allotted strength, and must rely on overtime to <br />staff the shortages. By adding one officer position to <br />the vacation relief pool we could provide the <br />replacement for many of these overtime funded <br />schedule voids. <br />4. We would like to create a new walking beat officer <br />for the downtown area. During the past several <br />years there have been numerous requests made to <br />establish such a position in the downtown area <br />from local businesses. The walking beat officer <br />would create a stronger feeling of safety for patrons <br />in the area, as well as enhance a stronger <br />partnership with the business community. <br />5. The added staffing would require the addition of one <br />new TAC vehicle and two new patrol vehicles to the <br />fleet. Two of the new vehicles would be equipped <br />with the plate reader technology. The current <br />watch commander or patrol sergeant vehicle <br />would be replaced with a more versatile type of <br />vehicle, capable of storing more equipment to be <br />deployed at a critical incident. <br />6. Providing more advanced training class <br />opportunities for the field training officers would <br />allow us to improve our Field Training Program. <br />These classes would provide more expertise to the <br />training officers, allowing them to share those skills <br />with our new hires. <br />B. Patrol Division Worst Case Scenario would be dictated by <br />several different financial measures that could negatively <br />impact City finances, and subsequently the department <br />budget. The information in this document is based on two <br />different sets of potential reductions that ranged from 2.5 <br />and 4.1 million dollars from the police budget. The majority <br />of the cuts would be absorbed by divisions other than the <br />Patrol Division. The following is a list of the proposed <br />reductions in the patrol staffing: <br />1. Eliminate the TAC Unit. This will severely impact the <br />Patrol Division's ability to work specialized areas or to <br />address specific problems within the city. It will also <br />13 <br />
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