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Cal Coast ENRA October 20, 2008 <br />Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement with Cal Coast to be brought to the City Council in <br />October 2008. <br />Staff reviewed the draft ENRA with the Ad Hoc Committee prior to forwarding a draft to the <br />Shoreline-Marina Committee in September. The draft ENRA includes the following provisions: <br />• An 18 month term with the ability to extend for a maximum of 18 additional months. <br />• A $50,000 initial deposit to cover the City's third party financial and legal consulting <br />fees, with an additional $25,000 due upon extension of the agreement. <br />• Developer studies, such as financial feasibility, soils, design, etc., shall be at Cal Coast's <br />expense and copies shall be provided to the City within ten business days. <br />• If required, City will select consultant for preparation of the Environmental Impact <br />Report and Developer will pay City and consultant costs. <br />• City and Cal Coast to work cooperatively on hydrology and other tidal action studies. <br />• City to retain ownership of the site. <br />• Requirements for community participation such as involvement in the Shoreline <br />Development Citizens Advisory Committee, community and town hall meetings and <br />general responsiveness to the public. <br />• Requirement that the project be fiscally neutral with respect to the City's General Fund. <br />• Developer and its contractors shall comply with Prevailing Wage Laws and the City of <br />San Leandro Living Wage Ordinance. The Living Wage Ordinance also applies to <br />sublessees. <br />At the September 23, 2008 Shoreline-Marina Committee meeting, Building Trades Council <br />representative Barry Luboviski presented the following language regarding labor peace and <br />requested its inclusion in the ENRA as Section 19 (iii). <br />19. Execution of Defuutive Agreement <br />(iii) To insure Labor Peace both during construction of the Marina and for the operation of <br />a Hotel at the Marina and to thus protect the proprietary interests of the City of San <br />Leandro, the Developer will meet with the Labor Unions and shall come to agreement on <br />specific provisions to address those issues and insure Labor Peace. <br />The Shoreline-Marina Committee recommended inclusion of the language in the ENRA and <br />requested staff forward the proposed language to the City's legal counsel and Cal Coast for <br />review. Legal counsel advised that it would be premature to include the specific requested <br />language in the ENRA because the project scope has not yet been defined, the Developer and the <br />City are still assessing the feasibility of the development and the various components of the <br />project, and the ENRA is intended to be a preliminary document that governs negotiations <br />between the City and Developer. If the Developer and the City reach agreement on the scope of <br />the project, then more specific language relating to labor issues may be included in the ground <br />lease and project documents. <br />Cal Coast also expressed concerns with the language as they believe it is premature at this point <br />not knowing specifically what the potential uses at the shoreline would be. Once uses are <br />identified, Cal Coast is willing to discuss the specifics regarding union participation in the <br />development. <br />2 <br />