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BID Advisory Board 4 October 16, 2008 <br />Fiscallmnact: N/A. <br />Budget Authority: N/A. <br />Attachments: N/A <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the City Council take the following actions: <br />1. Adopt the resolution to modify the number of business owners from a minimum of three <br />persons to a maximum of five persons, thereby making it a five- to seven-member <br />Advisory Board. <br />2. By motion, appoint Ida Marmon of Nashional Office Furniture, Geza Paulovitz of Eric F. <br />Anderson, Inc. and Rich Wahl of Mr. Plastics Inc., as three additional representatives of <br />business owners within the West San Leandro LINKS Shuttle Business Improvement <br />District boundaries to serve on the Advisory Board. <br />G:\DEPT10ffice of Business Development\Files RDA\WSL-MacArthur Area\LINKS Shuttle\Advisory CommitteeWdmin\2008- <br />2009\AppointmentsCouncilMemo 10-20-08. doc <br />