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San Leandro Community Assistance Funding <br />GRANT APPLICATION <br />ORGANIZATION: <br />PROGRAM 71TLE: <br />Objective#2 <br />a. Program Premise (if..., then...): <br />b. Program Activities (Describe the services to be provided that will be in your agency's Scope of Work): <br />c. Program Outputs (The direct quantifiable products of program activities, such as the number of meals provided or <br />participants served. Program outputs should be measurable and realistic): <br />BY JUNE 30, 2009 (12 MONTHS): <br />BY JUNE 30, 2010 (24 MONTHS): <br />d. Program Outcomes (Program Outcomes =The benefit for program participants. Who benefits, what will change, by when, how will <br />you know.): <br />BY JUNE 30, 2009 (12 MONTHS): <br />BY JUNE 30. 2010 (24 MONTHS): <br />e. What are your sources of data? (List only those sources to which you have access): <br />f. What data collectionlmethods will you use? (If you have not tested a method, state when you will do so): <br />13 <br />