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RulesCommunications Highlights 2008 1002
City Clerk
City Council
Rules & Communications Committee
RulesCommunications Highlights 2008 1002
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10/17/2008 1:34:05 PM
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10/17/2008 1:26:53 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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EXAMPLE <br />San Leandro Community Assistance Funding <br />Grant Application <br />ORGANIZATION: EXAMPLE <br />PROGRAM TITLE: EXAMPLE <br />OBJECTIVES -PROGRAM OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES <br />a. Program Premise (if..., then...): <br />If families with unemployed parent(s) in a school-to-work program have high quality and affordable child care, then the <br />probability will increase that the parents will find and keep jobs, thus increasing their self sufficiency. <br />b. Program Activities (Describe the services to be provided): <br />Provide "extended day" childcare (6 am to 7 pm); Affordable: sliding scale fees, 2 or 3 meals per day; Accessible: on major <br />bus line; culturally appropriate: staff, volunteers and setting are responsive to the cultural and language needs of parents and <br />children. <br />c. Program Outputs (The direct quantifiable products of program activities, such as the number of meals provided or <br />participants served. Program outputs should be measurable and realistic): <br />BY JUNE 30. 2009 (12 MONTHS) <br />30 families served <br />BY JUNE 30, 2010 {24 MONTHS) <br />55 families served <br />d. Program Outcomes (The benefit for program participants. Who benefits, what will change, by when, how will you know.): <br />BY JUNE 30, 2009 (12 MONTHS): 65% or 19.5 of the 30 families with formerly unemployed parents, who keep their children in our <br />care after completing their school/training, will increase their self-sufficiency as indicated by their finding and keeping a job for at <br />least 4 months. <br />BY JUNE 30, 2010 (24 MONTHS): 80% or 44 of the 55 new families who will enter our program for formerly unemployed parents in <br />the year 2007, who keep their children in our care after completing their school/training, will increase their self-sufficiency as <br />indicated by finding and keeping a job for at least 4 months. <br />e. What are your sources of data? (List only those sources to which you have access.) <br />Parents of children in the program <br />Evidence provided by the school/training program staff or employer <br />Client feedback (e.g., client surveys) <br />f. What data collection/methods will you use? (If you have not tested a method, state when you will do so and how.) <br />Monthly submission of either: <br />• Form provided by our program and signed by school/training program staff <br />• Pay stub from job <br />• We will test this method during the first three months of this program <br />14 <br />
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