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in about 6-months as to the company's complaint record. Councilmernber Prola would like to <br />know when the airship comes over from Moffat Field so he and others can experience what the <br />noise impacts are for its shoreline approach to OAK. <br />Staff has asked the Noise Office to research complaint records from zeppelin operations in <br />Germany and Japan, to be sure that the Alameda County Fire Department is briefed on the <br />safety and evacuation aspects of the aircraft, and to add a report on complaints received to the <br />quarterly agenda of the North Field Research Group. <br />Committee Recommendations <br />None <br />2. Report from the Port of Oakland Regarding the Proposed Business Jet Center Expansion <br />Port staff gave a report on the project that would build 6-7 new hangars at the North Field <br />which could accommodate up to 22 addition aircraft. The jets would be owned by various <br />individuals or groups, with an average operation of 2 flights per week per aircraft anticipated. <br />An initial study was done in compliance with CEQA and it was determined that there would be <br />no significant impacts from the project construction or increased airport operations. The <br />number of operations will still be well below the count projected in past environmental <br />documents for the airport. <br />Committee members expressed concerns over increased flights over neighborhoods, <br />particularly since some of these aircraft will have louder (Stage 2) engines. Airport Noise <br />Management Office staff indicated the pilots will be required to comply with all existing noise <br />abatement procedures and that the Noise Office will continue to work with pilots to obtain <br />compliance with those procedures. <br />It was also discussed that the City of Alameda maybe asking that these jets depart from the <br />South Field and there is concern that residents of the west side of San Leandro will be impacted <br />by that. <br />Staff expressed concern that the Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration for this project had <br />not been distributed to the North Field Group members. Interim City Manager Hollister <br />recommended the City ask the Port for an extension on the comment period on the Study, and <br />the Committee concurred with that recommendation. Staff will prepare a letter for the Mayor's <br />signature. <br />Committee Recommendations <br />None <br />3. Report from North Field and South Field Study Groups and Aviation Stakeholders <br />Advisory Committee <br />