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parking lot last week when the asphalt plant shut down. The parking lot is expected to be <br />finished in the next few weeks. Construction is not permitted between Thanksgiving and <br />Christmas. <br />d. Safe Routes To School -Speed feedback signs are all up and running. Project is close <br />to completion. Lighted pedestrian crossings are being installed at four schools and two <br />libraries. <br />e. Fiber Optics Construction -This project will connect the Marina Community Center <br />and WPCP to the City's computer network. The conduit work is complete and fiber <br />installation is to begin shortly. By the end of November 2008, service via fiber optics <br />should be up and running. <br />f. Annual Slurry and Cape Sealing -The project is on schedule. Slurry sealing work is <br />complete and construction of a portion of Marina Boulevard, Dolores Avenue and Adams <br />Avenue to start soon. Ken presented a video of the equipment and process that is used in <br />cape sealing. <br />Ken discussed upcoming projects that include: <br />• 1595 Washington Avenue Demolition <br />• Sieve Drum at WPCP <br />• ACTIA 11/I-880 Washington Avenue Improvement <br />• Bay Trail Pedestrian Bridge <br />2. Discussion Regarding Proposed Alcohol Ban at City Parks <br />Carolyn informed of the problems at City parks involving alcohol-related incidents. Mayor <br />Santos asked what kind of problem calls the Police Department is receiving and the locations <br />involved. Chief Dale Attarian indicated that the calls are from neighborhood residents near the <br />parks, specifically McCartney Park and Cherry Grove Park, with complaints of public nuisance <br />and debris. Chief Attarian pointed out that our parks are extensively used by residents, as well as <br />non-residents, which is part of the excessive problem calls. <br />Representatives of neighborhood associations were present to voice their concerns about alcohol <br />use in their neighborhood parks that lead to litter, noise, and parking issues. Currently, the <br />penalty for any of these offenses is a citation that carries a $75 to $100 fee. Mayor Santos wants <br />to document the penalty and fine amounts in the Council Ordinance. <br />Mayor Santos objected to a total ban, saying it will be difficult to draw people to events if <br />alcohol is prohibited in parks, citing the Cherry Festival and the possibility that it will return to <br />Marina Park. Carolyn agreed, however, she believes it is easier to enforce a total ban than <br />having to deal with permits on an individual basis. Mayor Santos suggested a total ban with <br />exceptions. Counciimember Starosciak said it is possible, if the exception is by City Council <br />approval. <br />City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />November 4, 2008 2 <br />