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Reso 2008-153
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2008-153
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12/18/2008 11:54:50 AM
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12/18/2008 11:53:54 AM
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WE5T SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2U08-09 <br />stops along the route are at easily accessible sites of major employers, with each run originating <br />and terminating at the San Leandro Main BART station on San Leandro Boulevard. All in all, <br />the LINKS service was designed to coordinate with other public transit services (AC Transit and <br />BART) to encourage commuters to leave their cars at home and to provide comprehensive <br />service to commuters. <br />LINKS Proposed Operations for Fiscal Year 2008-09 <br />To be proactive in providing a high level of service to the riders and employers along the LINKS <br />service area, an annual ridership survey was budgeted for in FY 2008-09. The annual rider study <br />is a valuable tool in measuring ridership satisfaction and provides information to possibly <br />improve the shuttle service. <br />The Advisory Board also suggested that the future survey include questions about the age group <br />of the riders and the primary language the riders read and speak. Information from these <br />questions can provide improved service for marketing and various mediums in providing future <br />LINKS outreach and informational material. <br />To promote the LINKS Shuttle, continued outreach and marketing must be performed to educate <br />businesses and their employees. The budget includes funding for marketing and advertising. This <br />funding can be used for various mazketing and communication efforts to inform employers and <br />their employees of the benefits and convenience of using the LINKS Shuttle. <br />The Advisory Board was specific in its recommendation that the marketing and outreach efforts <br />were to include development of a new LINKS informational brochure. It strongly recommended <br />a bill insert or some other comparable informational product that could be photocopied or printed <br />by employers in the BID area and distributed to its employees with their paychecks or distributed <br />by the Human Resources Department. In addition, the Advisory Board recommended <br />development of a poster providing information and promoting the LINKS Shuttle Services. The <br />posters could be displayed in employee lunchrooms, employers' bulletin boards, etc. The <br />Advisory Board also recommended that the website for LINKS be updated with current <br />information. <br />The Advisory Board recommended that the information developed for the new brochure, poster, <br />and website be provided in a bilingual format. The future ridership survey can assist in the <br />alternative language(s) by adding the question about the riders' primary language. <br />The Advisory Board also made specific in its recommendations that the new brochure and poster <br />providing LINKS information and promoting its services are to be hand delivered by the <br />Executive Director to the approximately 40 businesses in the BID area with more than 50 <br />employees and offered to all businesses paying the BID. <br />The Advisory Board recommended that free advertising space inside the buses be explored for <br />BID paying businesses. This would give BID paying businesses another benefit in addition to the <br />free shuttle service. The advertising could include an opportunity for businesses to post <br />employment/job opportunities, websites, contact information, etc. <br />4~~~~4fFl. <br />
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