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8A Consent 2009 0105
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2009 0105
8A Consent 2009 0105
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12/19/2008 12:32:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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ARTICLE V <br />AUDITS, THIRD PARTY CONTRACTING, RECORDS RETENTION AND REPORTS <br />1. STATE reserves the right to conduct technical and financial audits of PROJECT work and <br />records when determined to be necessary or appropriate and ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, <br />and shall require its contractors and subcontractors to agree, to cooperate with STATE by making <br />all appropriate and relevant PROJECT records available for audit and copying as required by <br />paragraph three (3) of Article V. <br />2. ADMINISTERING AGENCY, its contractors and subcontractors shall establish and maintain an <br />accounting system and records that properly accumulate and segregate incurred PROJECT costs <br />and matching funds by line item for the PROJECT. The accounting system of ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY, its contractors and all subcontractors shall conform to Generally Accepted Accounting <br />Principles, enable the determination of incurred costs at interim points of completion, and provide <br />support for reimbursement payment vouchers or invoices sent to or paid by STATE. <br />3. For the purpose of determining compliance with Title 21, California Code of Regulations, <br />Chapter 21, section 2500 et seq., when applicable, and other matters connected with the <br />performance and costs of ADMINISTERING AGENCY's contracts with third parties pursuant to <br />Government Code section 8546.7, ADMINISTERING AGENCY, ADMINISTERING AGENCY's <br />contractors and subcontractors, and STATE shall each maintain and make available for inspection <br />and audit all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to the <br />performance of such contracts, including, but not limited to, the costs of administering those <br />various contracts. All of the above-referenced parties shall make such AGREEMENT and <br />PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times <br />during the entire PROJECT period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment to <br />ADMINISTERING AGENCY under any PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT. STATE, the California State <br />Auditor, or any duly authorized representative of STATE or the United States, shall each have <br />access to any books, records, and documents that are pertinent to a PROJECT for audits, <br />examinations, excerpts, and transactions and ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall furnish copies <br />thereof if requested. <br />4. ADMINISTERING AGENCY is required to have an audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act <br />of OMB Circular A-133 if it receives a total of $500,000 or more in STATE FUNDS in a single <br />fiscal year. The STATE FUNDS received under PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT are a part of the <br />Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 20.205, Highway Planning and Research. <br />5. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to include all PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTS adopting the <br />terms of this AGREEMENT in the schedule of projects to be examined in ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY'S annual audit and in the schedule of projects to be examined under its single audit <br />prepared in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. <br />6. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall not award a construction contract over $10,000 or other <br />contracts over $25,000 [excluding professional service contracts of the type which are required to <br />be procured in accordance with Government Code sections 4525 (d), (e) and (f)] on the basis of a <br />noncompetitive negotiation for work to be performed under this AGREEMENT without the prior <br />written approval of STATE. All contracts awarded by ADMINISTERING AGENCY intended or <br />used as local match credit must meet the requirements set forth in this AGREEMENT regarding <br />local match funds. <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />
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