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determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct <br />its employees; take disciplinary action; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of <br />work or for other legitimate reasons; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; <br />determine the methods, means and personnel by which gov~rnm.ent operations are to be <br />conducted; determine the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out <br />its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its <br />organization and- the technology of performing its work, except as modified by other <br />provisions in this Memorandum of Understanding. <br />Section 6. Pay arl<d Classification <br />6.1 The recognized classifications and those rates of pay which are to be effective during the <br />period of this Memorandum of Understanding are enumerated in Appendix "A" which is <br />attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />From January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009, salaries shall remain at the 2008 level. <br />R ~,~ <br />~ 7nn~ 1 1, 11 1. ~ <br />-'in <br />- nro.,~ ~ 1, + >„ <br />c <br />cv <br />c <br />ciri + 1~0%\ +- 11 ;+ <br />ii <br />vr u <br />- <br />~ <br />~c ~ <br />~~~ ..~~v~iaiciie~~rran <br />vc crccc~ <br />~o~ <br />i o~ <br />r .~ <br />.~ u <br />~~. i~~ i <br />~ <br />0 <br /> <br />nlnnoi~nn+ > <br />;i,.,o > <br /> ~ > <br />~77,,, ~,, <br />t ~ <br />`7 ~nn~ T>,o ~,~,~, „t :,;11 + i,a la~~ <br />' <br />~ <br />' <br />- +b„- <br />_ or~o„+ <br />+1,: <br />riivir <br />YY.1-E~ <br />!'20/ \ ~l 't~tVLY <br />c <br />+l, cr ~ '.. <br />,,, „+ ~L,.,11 ,,.,+ L,e ,z,,,,-a rro <br />~r <br />iz <br />vrir~izo~~~ ~ <br />~., <br />+1,.,,, ~ ,,,- ,~or..o„+ 110/ 1 ~~ <br />... <br />.... ,... t, ....,.,..,, <br /> <br />> > <br /> <br /> <br />!Z0/l .,,~,.1 +1, ,-,+ x.1,.,11 rr,+ l,o .~,-,"r o +1,~rtfi~„r r.crncx+f~0%l <br /> ....,~ ., ,........, ~ r.,....,.~ ~ , „~. <br />1 0 <br />,;11 ~ ..,l,o„ +1-,a ; ,,,l,o„+ lo.,. or +l,o ,~,~,~;+;~,rL <br />V.J L <br />l J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 4-~ 49 <br /> ~ ~ <br /> <br /> ~ ~ <br /> <br />3ai-leF ~4 3aile~ ~ <br /> 64 ~ <br /> <br /> ~9 ~ <br /> 64 ~ <br /> <br />_^ ^^^"~ ~ r^t^~ti^-o"~~~ ~6 <br />se,.:~.. n,.,.,,,,„+r,la,-v s~ co.,;,,, n,.,.,,,,,,+rlow ~g <br /> <br />