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8H Consent 2009 0202
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0202
8H Consent 2009 0202
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Last modified
6/5/2019 9:27:18 AM
Creation date
1/30/2009 8:28:05 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2009 0202
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City shall not be required to obtain prior written approval for the performance of routine <br />maintenance or emergency repairs. As used in this section, the term "routine <br />maintenance" refers to work that does not alter the original condition of Improvements <br />previously approved in writing by District, which work is required to prevent <br />deterioration of said Improvements. As used in this section, the term "emergency <br />repairs" refers to repairs that do not alter the original condition of Improvements <br />previously approved in writing, which repairs are necessary to protect the safety of the <br />public and/or property. Except in the case of emergency or routine maintenance, City <br />shall consult District at least seven (7) days before any major maintenance operations, <br />such as replacement of Improvements, are performed by City. Work shall be done in <br />such a manner that District shall at all times be able to use and gain access to its facilities <br />on the Park, and in such a manner that Park trails and pathways are kept clear and safe for <br />use by the public when practically possible. All work performed by City under this <br />section shall be subject to inspection by District, with inspection costs to be paid by City. <br />8. Davis Street Development: <br />City agrees that it will work with the District toward the development of Davis Street for <br />public access to Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline. All necessary land tenure and <br />development rights will be granted from City to District to assure adequate and safe <br />public access right of way for the development of public access to and from Oyster Bay <br />Regional Shoreline upon District satisfaction of all typical and reasonable City conditions <br />for such land tenure and development rights. EBRPD will provide all necessary work to <br />provide adequate and safe public access meeting the standards of the City <br />9. Rights of Access: <br />District shall have the sole right to grant rights of access such as encroachment permits or <br />rights of entry to third party permittees within the Park.. Any work to be conducted by <br />third party permittees, which may require access on or across the Bridge, or may affect <br />the Bridge , will require the third party permittee to obtain rights of access from City. In <br />the case of routine maintenance as defined in Section 7 above, City's third party <br />permittees may obtain a right of access from District by contacting the District's Park <br />Supervisor by both telephone and e-mail in advance of the work to be performed, giving <br />at least forty-eight (48) hours notice when practical or possible. <br />10. Vehicular Access: <br />No type of motor -driven vehicle shall be permitted on the Bridge, except those of City <br />and District and their third party permittees being used for construction, maintenance, <br />repair, patrol or public safety purposes. The District shall not unreasonably withhold <br />permission for vehicular access to the City and its third party permittees for construction, <br />maintenance, repair, operations and patrol of the Bridge. Vehicles allowed on the Park <br />Slough Bridge <br />1-21-09 <br />
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