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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />Consultant is to locate the underground gas and water structures underneath the streets to be <br />reconstructed as part of the 2008-09 Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation Project, which are: <br />• Aladdin Ave from Teagarden St to Alvarado St <br />• Dolores Ave from Grand Ave to Bancroft Ave <br />• Montague Ave from Teagarden St to railroad crossing 550'± to the east <br />• Zelma St from Manor Blvd to Purdue St <br />This information will aid the City in the design of this project by identifying any shallow high-risk utilities which <br />may conflict with the construction of these streets. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Consultant shall vacuum excavate sixty-one (61) pothole locations to confirm underground utilities per <br />EBMUD and PG&E base maps. All potholes will be backfilled with slurry to existing grade. <br />Mains are to be potholed every 500' maximum, and two to four service laterals shall be located along each <br />street near the lip of gutter where they are likely at their highest point within the street area. Mains and laterals <br />beneath the sidewalk or outside of the street area do not need to be located, since they will not be affected by <br />the upcoming street rehabilitation project. A summary of the number of potholes to be done on each street are <br />listed below: <br />Aladdin Ave <br />Water: 4 potholes along the main on Aladdin Ave, 1 pothole of the main along Alvarado St, 2 potholes of water <br />service laterals. (subtotal = 7) <br />Gas: 4 potholes each of the two gas mains along Aladdin Ave, 1 pothole of the main along Alvarado St, 2 <br />additional potholes at the Teagarden/Aladdin intersection to locate gas mains, 2 potholes of gas service <br />laterals. (subtotal =13) <br />Total number of potholes on Aladdin Ave: 20 <br />Dolores Ave <br />Water: 5 potholes along main on Dolores Ave, 2 potholes for mains along Bancroft Ave, 2 potholes of water <br />mains along Grand Ave that are not connected to the water main along Dolores, 2 water service laterals. <br />(subtotal =11) <br />Gas: 5 potholes of gas main along Dolores Ave, 1 pothole of main along Grand Ave, 1 pothole of main along <br />Morgan Ave, 2 gas service laterals (subtotal = 9) <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Project #144-38-296 <br />City of San Leandro and Exaro Technologies Corp.-Exhibit A Page 15 <br />