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Total number of potholes on Dolores Ave: 20 <br />Montague St <br />Water: 2 potholes of water main along Montague St, 1 pothole of water service lateral (subtotal = 3) <br />Gas: 2 potholes of gas main along Montague St, 1 pothole of gas service lateral (subtotal = 3) <br />Total number of potholes on Montague St: 6 <br />Zelma St <br />Water: 4 potholes of the two water main segments along Zelma St, 1 pothole of the water main along Manor <br />Blvd, 1 pothole of the water main along Purdue St, 1 pothole of the east end of the water main on Avon Ave, 2 <br />water service laterals (subtotal = 9) <br />Gas: 4 potholes of gas main along Zelma, 2 gas service laterals (subtotal = 6) <br />Total number of potholes on Zelma St: 15 <br />Consultant will secure a City encroachment permit prior to start of work. Said encroachment permit shall <br />be issued at no cost #o Consultant. Consultant shall notify Underground Service Alert (U.S.A.) at least two <br />working days prior to excavation and coordinate with utility agencies. Consultant is to provide traffic control <br />consisting of construction signs and delineation, and legally dispose of spoils from pothole locations. <br />SCHEDULE <br />Sixteen (16) working days after City issues Notice to Proceed. Consultant shall provide advance notice to <br />the Engineering & Transportation Department to schedule inspections. <br />DELIVERABLES <br />Vertical and horizontal location of utilities referenced to existing infrastructure. <br />CITY TO PROVIDE <br />• Encroachment permit for aforementioned work at no cost to consultant <br />• Utility base map drawings showing approximate locations of underground gas and water facilities <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Project #144-38-296 <br />City of San Leandro and Exaro Technologies Corp.-Exhibit A Page 16 <br />