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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2009 <br />Agenda No. 09-02 Page 2 of 14 <br />Item b: Public Hearing <br />a). Matter of PLN2008-00031 (Assessor's Parcel Nambers 075-0047-002, 075-0047-003- <br />2, 075-0047-007). Site Plan Review of 100-unit affordable housing project located at <br />1333 Martinez Street (adjacent to the San Leandro BART station within the San Leandro <br />Crossings project) and Vesting Tentative Map PLN20008-00054 that creates four lots <br />including lots for condominium purposes. The property is zoned DA-5(S) and PS(S). <br />Applicant is Westlake Development Partners, LLC. <br />This project tiers off of an Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy (TOD) that was certified in September <br />2007. The City has prepared, noticed and circulated a Mitigated Negative Declaration for <br />this project. Comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration were required to be <br />submitted to the City by December 17, 2008. The final Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />includes the comments received by the City on or before December 17, 2008. The <br />mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration address all <br />potentially significant project-related impacts; taking these measures would result in no <br />significant impacts. Therefore, there is no substantial evidence that the project may have <br />a significant effect on the environment. <br />Secretary Livermore, who had served as Project Manager for the TOD Strategy, provided <br />background. Over an ] 8-month period, from January 2006 to September 2007, the TOD Strategy <br />development involved three community meetings with about 240 residents in attendance and a <br />27-member Citizen Advisory Committee that held 10 meetings..The City Council approved the <br />TOD Strategy on September 4, 2007, at which time the Environmental Impact Report also was <br />certified. The proposed development involved in tonight's Agenda item complies with the TOD <br />Strategy. <br />Senior Planner Philip Millenbah indicated that the Planning Commission's consideration of the <br />Site Plan Review application is due to a zoning code amendment (effective November 20, 2008). <br />When a project requires two or more permits, one of which requires Planning Commission review, <br />the zoning code now requires the Planning Commission to review the other applications. In this <br />case, the Vesting Tentative Map requires a Planning Commission's decision to forward to the City <br />Council; the Site Plan Review piggybacks with it under terms of the recently enacted amendment. <br />Last October, the Planning Commission held a work session on the 1333 Martinez Street project, as <br />well as the site of a proposed 200-unit condominium development, Phase I of the proposed San <br />Leandro Crossings. The Martinez Street project is the only one included on tonight's Agenda. The <br />Vesting Tentative Map that the Planning Commission is being asked to review contains lots for the <br />100-unit affordable housing development, for a BART replacement garage and for future <br />condominium development. <br />Noting that considerable community-wide discussion has taken place regarding school impact fees <br />relating to this development, Mr. Millenbah referenced staff report pages 6-7, which indicate that <br />school fees are the subject of extensive state law. In this case, the applicant will pay the San <br />Leandro Unified School District approximately $338,000, which will serve as the entire mitigation <br />of any environmental or developmental impacts that the proposed project may have on the School <br />District. Pursuant to California Government Code, he explained, the City may not deny the <br />applicant's permit for reasons related to school impacts provided that the developer pays the <br />required school fees. He noted, too, that staff prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration tiering off <br />the Environmental Impact Report that was prepared as part of the TOD Strategy development and <br />was certified by the City Council on September 4, 2007. Staff identified 27 project-specific impacts <br />that were not identified in the TOD EIR but are addressed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. <br />
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